View Full Version : Unity?

10-02-2001, 06:32 PM
Since leaving school several years ago a bunch of my friends have continued to keep in contact through a majordomo listserv. The list serves to keep everyone updated about our lives, make plans, share stories, get movie/music/theater recommendations and also have great, spirited discussions about current events, culture, etc.. I wrote this today and thought maybe I would repost it here in order to broaden the spectrum of comments I might receive. Please bear in mind that the tone on that list is different than here. Please excuse any language you might find offensive:

Can someone please tell me why the sh** from 9-11 has affected people's ability to use English in a way that actually makes sense?

First it was "coward" this and "coward" that, which as has been pointed out seemed to mean "bad guy" but had no actual reference to cowardice or anything else at all cowardly. Now its "unity" this and that. What the hell does that MEAN! I would love to see one sentence where this idea of "unity" is actually defined and/or used as anything but a slogan. We are not selling Pepsi here people! This is ostensibly a matter of grave emotional import but our leaders and press are giving us f***ing TV jingles. University of Washington had a "UW for Unity" rally yesterday. The P-I coverage never once mentioned the word "unity" (aside from the rally title) nor did one quote

include an explanation or reference to how the UW is now "unified" or how "unity" is a reaction to this tragedy that we should all understand and embrace. This is but one example of how sloganeering has replaced reasoned analysis and meaningful communication.

We are becoming a nation of idiots. Someone please save our language from further denigration. Or at least tell me what I am missing.


10-02-2001, 06:49 PM

10-02-2001, 07:19 PM
Politicians and the media specialize in 1) making themselves look good; and 2) speaking in platitudes. This should come as no surprise to you.

We were defending democracy in Vietnam and finally achieved peace with honor. The Contras were freedom fighters. Clinton did not have sexual relations with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky. The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. All men were created equal in 1776, but some were only worth 3/5 of others in 1789.

"Every country is run by liars and nothing they say should be believed." I.F. Stone

10-02-2001, 07:59 PM
I'm still getting a giggle out of the Seattle dentist from last night's Channel-4 news. She was the simpleton with the, "Our Islamic American Friends Aren't Our Enemies" sign.

When she was asked exactly how she defined an, "Islamic American", she said to the effect, "Well, you know, they're like Irish Americans or African Americans only from Islamic countries."

Don't they make dentists go to school before they give them drills?

Jeff James

10-02-2001, 09:48 PM
I don't quite get what is quite so funny about this Seattle dentist. She probably doesn't want the crazies who are killing Arabs and Sikhs coming after her. The Chinese during WWII used to make signs that read "I am not a Jap" in order to avoid anti-Japanese bias.

10-02-2001, 10:02 PM
There is a piece I read a day or two ago about the American spirit. It basically said that during times of crisis Americans basically deter criticism and pull together for the sake of the greater cause. The perception of some people is that the terrorists were trying to cause derision and second guessing of the American government. All these "unity" type of events are ways of showing that Americans will not be pulled apart by dissenting forces. The op piece (IMO correctly) pointed out that in other countries, entire governments might have been changed for this attack. While it is true that the level of focus on US foreign policy by both the government and the mainstream media has been sorely lacking and pretty anti-intellectual, the truth is its a lot easier to do things when everyone is on the same page. Though our government in many instances is not as responsive to change as a parliamentary democracy, its nature does allow it to act quickly in times of crisis, and the fact that the American public for the most part goes along with it doesn't hurt it in this respect.

10-03-2001, 02:02 AM

Islam is a religion, not a race, nation or culture. I suppose it might be appropriate to refer to someone as an Islamic-American but only in the same way it would be appropriate to refer to them as a Pokerplaying-American and then expect it to be considered as a valid group for special consideration.

I guess you had to be there to listen to her prattle on about the people from the Islamic nations where the Islamic-American's ancestors must have lived. You know, those places where the Islamic-American come from? Seattle, San Francisco, Denver, Detroit, Pakistan, Atlanta, Saudi Arabia, Boise. The homelands of the Islamic people...

sigh... maybe yesterday was a bit longer than I'd thought

10-03-2001, 08:00 PM
OK, I agree that this term is certainly being overused. But there is some validity to it.

There are many examples of the unity of our nation at this moment. On one level, it's the abandoment (however temporary) of partisan politics. This has happened. Look at recent votes in Congress, or the President's current approval rating.

Another way it can be seen is the singular vision of national priorities. When, in our lifetime, have 90%+ of American citizens agreed on something as fundamental as the sole top priority for our nation?

But, in the end, it's very primal. Not many people can give a coherent explanation of what's going on, but try walking in to any bar and explaining how maybe we are not 100% right in this situation....