View Full Version : Headphones for running

06-15-2005, 11:30 PM
Hi all,

Since it is now summer i have taken to running outside. i enjoy listening to music while i run but usually just the music in the gym. now that i am out side, i need to use my ipod. the problem is, i sweat an awful lot. so the ipod head phones are kind of slippery and slip out of my ears. do u have any small quality headphone reccomendations. thanks

also are the armbands that hold the ipod the best holder for the ipod

06-15-2005, 11:37 PM
With any of the high-quality canal-phones that most people will offer up you are going to get a lot of oculation(I think that's it?). Basically, you can hear everytime your foot hits the ground. It's kind of hard to describe, but it's takes some getting used to, and I haven't tried running with mine yet.

Also, be aware that if the drivers to them get wet, they can stop working. They almost always will work again after they dry out, but that doesn't help you much if you're halfway through your run when they go out.

No recommendation really, just a couple things you should know.

EDIT: Microphonics, I wasn't even close.