View Full Version : Pokerview, there was an error running one of your databases.

06-14-2005, 05:37 PM
I´m getting this message when i try to run Pokerview in trialmode: THERE was an error running one of your databases.
I havent yet bought the full version so i dont know if it works. My OS is Windows XP. What is wrong??? Is it ptrack.mdb the program are suppose to find when I search for databases to add??

06-15-2005, 01:21 AM
Try asking on the PokerTracker forums... or on the PlayerView forums.

Which prog are you using anyway?

06-17-2005, 01:31 AM
I agree. There are several possible answers to your problem.

IMHO, the top 3 are a) not having the latest .Net Framework and the 1.1 patch update installed; 2) not having the latest MDAC installed (it's supposed to be installed by default in XP, but if something happens to it, you can download and install it separately -- DON'T listen to the MS pages that say you can't add it because it's already there. other pages offer the download or suggest using the last Win2K version) and 3) you didn't let the program autofind all databases, and then delete any invalid ones.

The solutions to these and other problems are spelled out, step by step, on the PlayerView Forum.