View Full Version : Poker Tracker Question

06-13-2005, 03:19 PM
Ok so I just recently began using pocker tracker. I was curious if when you are playing u guys opened up a bunch of the game time things to analyze the players you were playing against? This doesn't seem that efficient for me and i am wondering if there is any other methods. Thanks in advance.


06-13-2005, 04:57 PM
whats up man, u have to make sure u have the auto rate players feauture enabled also have u figured out about gametime+ its a prog that gives u player stats while u are seated

06-13-2005, 07:09 PM
You can use Game Time for free or you can pay $50 for Player View. Both display stats for your opponents while you are seated at a table. They work in conjunction with Poker Tracker. You can download them at the following links.

www.pokerdominion.com (http://www.pokerdominion.com)
www.playerview.net (http://www.playerview.net)