View Full Version : Want to develop me a bot architecture?

06-13-2005, 09:05 AM
I'm a winning high stakes limit player with a bit of experience with coding. I'm interested in writing my own bot but I don't have anywhere near enough experience or knowledge to do it. I want someone to write the framework for a bot, everything about the bot except for the AI. I want to be able to write the AI in myself and I believe it should be relatively simple enough that even someone with little coding experience can do. It needs to be able to look up basic stats from PT as well.

I will pay very well. Interested? PM me or email me at saabpo@gmail.com . No, I'm not behind the actual saabpo. I just liked the name.

This thread shouldn't be deleted as I don't think I'm breaking any forum rules or advertising any affiliate things. Feel free to flame me, I won't be responding.

I do have many posts here but for obvious reasons I made this seperate account.