View Full Version : Gametime/Pokertracker questions

06-11-2005, 09:15 PM
Hey guys.

So I finally took the plunge and bought PokerTracker, and I've imported all my Party hands that I've played so far, from my hard drive into my database.

I downloaded GT+ and I'm not sure at all how to use it.

What I would like to do right now is get some more data on other players at .5/1, so I made a new database called observed hands and I think that I have to start the timer and then open up 4 Party .5/1 tables and just leave them open to collect data on people playing. Am I headed in the right direction? Edit: Tried this and it didn't work.

I also see something called external Gametime window inside the Pokertracker program itself. How does this differ from the Gametime+ that I downloaded, and how do I use it?

Thanks very much.

P.S. - I'm also getting all kinds of errors when I try to import hands and stuff, and it keeps saying that the errors were written to different files.

Is there some kind of free manual for Pokertracker? The FAQs dont help much.

06-12-2005, 01:18 AM
You're probably clicking the wrong button. There is a button specifically for observed hands. In the toolbar, it is the yellow and red money-looking party type symbol. 3rd from the left.

Don't worry about the GT in PT. Just use the program you downloaded.

I'm pretty sure there is a PT guide on the forums.