View Full Version : Want to know what people are pushing with?

06-11-2005, 06:43 PM
in Poker Tracker, i've always been left wanting with the filters available for sit n gos. For example, today i was curious about the hands people were pushing with on the button with less then 10x the bb and 4 players left. I couldn't find an appropriate combination of filters so I decided to do a sql query instead. I don't know if this is of any interest to anyone here, but I thought i would share it just in case. You can run it in Access with the pt database open.

SELECT TGP.hole_cards, COUNT(TGP.player_id) AS num_players
FROM tourney_game_players TGP, players p, tourney_game tg, blind_structure bs, tourney t
WHERE TGP.player_id = p.player_id
AND tg.game_id = TGP.game_id
AND bs.blind_structure_id = tg.blind_structure_id
AND t.tourney_id = tg.tourney_id
AND TGP.chip_count = tgp.pre_flop_bet
AND (bs.big_bet * 5) > TGP.chip_count
AND t.buy_in = 50
AND tgp.off_the_button = 0
GROUP BY TGP.hole_cards

t.buy_in can be equal to whatever buy-in you want the if you numbers before or just take it out if you want it for all the buyins. If you don't care about their position, or want to change it, same thing goes for the tgp.off_the_button line. It's not perfect, but in the coming days i thought I would spend some time writing some queries that would get more SNG specific situation data.

This query gives you a neat little breakdown - in one column is the hands people pushed with, in the 2nd is the number of players that pushed on the button when they had this hand. If there's any interest, I'll be happy to post any more queries i write.

06-11-2005, 07:48 PM

This assumes that you've got good data on the players at your table, but nonetheless useful.

I totally didn't realize pokertracker was backed by an access db. I'll have to write a little script that'll enter in my tourney sumamry data since that's being entered manually right now.