View Full Version : 2 GT+ Noob questions

06-10-2005, 02:09 PM
2 quick questions; maybe someone's got 2 quick answers for me.

1) Does GT+ have the ability to draw data from more than 1 PT database?

2) As far as table selection, can GT+ display data on OBSERVED tables? I downloaded it last night, but as far as I could tell, I actually had to be SEATED at a table to be able to get the stats overlay...is this right?

06-10-2005, 02:24 PM

1) Does GT+ have the ability to draw data from more than 1 PT database?

1. I think it can; you just choose what database you want stats from. I don't think it can draw data from two or more databases simultaneously and combine stats into readable form, however.

2) As far as table selection, can GT+ display data on OBSERVED tables? I downloaded it last night, but as far as I could tell, I actually had to be SEATED at a table to be able to get the stats overlay...is this right?

2. This has always been my experience. The only other thing that I've yet to try is to use somone else at the table as the screen name of the person to observe (someone already seated).

06-10-2005, 02:29 PM
I can't answer your first question because I really have not used GT since its earlier versions.

As for question 2 the last I recall is that you can see stats for people at the tables but you have to open multiple copies of GT for each table. Again, I haven't used it in awhile but I believe this was the only way to do it then. Make sure you are using import of observed hand histories in PT. For each copy you open up you just select someone from the table and you can see the stats.

Again take this advice with a grain of salt since it has been quite awhile since I've worked with GT.

06-10-2005, 02:56 PM
you just select any named player at an oberved table and it will show the stats for that table