View Full Version : poker tracker and ultimatebet

Dell 55
06-06-2005, 01:55 PM
sorry if these questions have already ben answered but any help would be appreciated.

1. when using pt with ultimatebet and ultimate history the hand log is popping up on the screen after each hand. is there any way to stop this?

2. can you use gametime on party and ultimatebet at the same time?
thanks for any replies

Matt Jenko
06-06-2005, 03:43 PM
I just move the offending window to a far flung corner of my screen and pretend it isn't there. If you do find a way to stop it trying to gain focus, let me know.

Yes you can.

06-06-2005, 04:29 PM
another thing you can do, which i do, is to minimize the size ot this window. you can make it so small that it only shows the blue area and no text.

if you want to see something in it you can always resize it from that tiny window, and revert back with one click.

this is what i've found to work best for me.