View Full Version : Statking backup question

capped again
06-05-2005, 05:27 PM
I had a hard drive crash and had to reformat. I am now trying to get back what I can. I have my Statking info. backed up to disk but can not figure out how to reinstall it. I have tried using import but I could not get that to work. When I look in help under import I get this:

Before importing a database, first verify that it contains the five fields below, and then save it as a comma-delimited or a tab-delimited file. In Microsoft Excel, for example, save the database as one of two types: CSV (comma-delimited)(*.csv) or Text (tab-delimited)(*.txt).

The import file must be formatted, one session per line, in the following manner:

<date>, <location>, <game>, <hours>, <win/loss>

<date> is in the form mm/dd/yyyy or mm/dd/yy. Example: "12/25/2001".

<location> is a string name. Example: "Bicycle Club".
<game> is a string name. Example: "10-20 Hold 'Em".
<hours> is in decimal or hh:mm format. Examples:"2.5" or "2:30".
<win/loss> is an integer. Example: "-224".

Any line that does not begin with a number will be ignored. If a line contains more than five fields, the extra fields will be ignored. The exception is a comments field, which may appear after the five standard fields. If you want StatKing to attempt to import a comments field, first select Options | Comments from the menu.

Once you have properly formatted your import file, select Database | Import from the menu. StatKing will let you know how many sessions were imported, and if any lines were unreadable.

I do have Excel, but do not know what they are taking about or if this is even the way the info. should be put back in. Can anyone walk me through this?