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View Full Version : Critizing the Criticser

earl monrose
12-29-2002, 12:37 AM
Last week saw something I had not seen before. At a loose aggressive 15-30 game, after several hands were recently won by hands such as 2-5 or 4-6 offsuit with the winners raising when likely behind, Criticizer(C)loudly said something like " Unbeliveable, raising with 2-5 when there is an ace on board, I can't believe people play hands like that." and rambled on about less than good plays. Another player (AP) more or less said, "You seem like a decent guy, so you probably don't know that it is very poor poker etiquette to criticise the way another player plays his hands." The C said I'm not critizing and the AP said I heard you doing the same thing at another table last night and the discussion continued. C didn't say much after that. I think the AP was right on, there is way too much table talk that educates the fish as to how to play. My question is, what is the best to handle players who feel the need to educate other players on the best way to play their hands? (other than take their money, of course.)

Ray Zee
12-29-2002, 12:58 AM
there is not much you can do as some people have to berate others for their own ego. but i like to say to them--"usually the person that is trying to show how smart they are, isnt showing how smart they are".

12-29-2002, 02:43 AM
I think AP handled it beautifully. He didn't try to embarrass the guy while giving him credit for being a "decent guy". It's hard to act like a jerk when someone has given you the reputation of being a good guy. I have occasionally spoken up and said, "hey, X, that's a little out of character. You are usually way more polite in the game". Usually, I get, "yeah, you're right, I'm sorry, just frustrated". The conversation ends and life is good again.
I have used this live and online with pretty good success.


12-29-2002, 09:09 AM
I happen to play poker on a regular basis with one of these fish educating loudmouths. I've noticed that when he goes on one of his rants the game tightens up some as the fish seem to put a protective shell over themselves. The way I remedy this is to compliment the fish when they pull off a terrible play, even if it's against me.

"Wow, great hand." OR "Ohhh nice catch sir."

This makes the weak players feel good about their treachurous plays and keeps the table in jovial spirits.


Herb N.
12-29-2002, 10:06 AM
My standard line[telling the fish] goes something like:Every time I win a pot [the teacher] also tells me how bad I played it...or you know when I win a pot from [the teacher]I feel worse than if I would have lost it.

12-29-2002, 03:37 PM
Have you ever noticed that these "teachers" almost always show you a bad hand-played badly within 1/2 an hour of their rant? I can't help myself from commenting as soon as I see this. Usually in a sarcastic manner like, "I thought you said that was a bad play?" He always goes on to justify why it was a good play for him, but not the other player.

There's no value you in this, except I get a kick out of it.
Twisted sense of humour huh?


12-30-2002, 01:29 PM
i agree with you. when a fish makes a miracle catch i make it out like they just made the greatest play ever. makes them feel good. a couple regulars and i will make comments about how the fish is on the hot seat and we don't blame them for playing every hand to the river, cause they're unbeatable at the moment. then we watch them do just that, and drop all the money back to the table.

as for the "teachers" i usually say something like, 'you're right, i'm a terrible player'.

now if i catch them bluffing and i have something like Ace high, they usually say somethig like "how could you call me with only Ace high" i'll say something like "i could tell you were bluffing". then wait for the tilt to come.

poker's so much fun. heh.