View Full Version : My Oscar Picks

Bill Murphy
12-28-2002, 07:57 PM
Well, 'bout time to get this started, not that the Oscars mean all that much. Note: I have not seen The Quiet American, About Schmidt, Far From Heaven, or The Hours; and have no plans to see the latter two.

Best Picture - Last Orders

Amazing acting clinic by Bob Hoskins, Helen Mirren, Michael Caine, Roy Winstone, and all the other limeys. Also avoids the saccarhine which is almost inherent with this kinda story.

Actor - Leonardo Dicaprio, Catch Me If You Can (Daniel Day-Lewis a VERY close 2nd for Gangs Of New York)

I was stunned at how much I liked CMIYC, as I am no Spielberg or Hanks fan. Leo was great. Really. And Hanks was far better than in the vastly overrated Road To Perdition. DDL was pure genius in GONY, but the role was a bit one-dimensional compared to Leo in CMIYC. One of the all time great bad guy performances, though; ala Pesci-Goodfellas, Pacino-Scarface, Keitel-Bad Lt., De Niro-Taxi Driver, etc.

Actress - Maggie Gyllenhall, Secretary

She'll be lucky to even get nominated, but she was unforgettable in a role that easily could've been a laughingstock. Think Hilary Swank in Boys Don't Cry.

Supporting Actor - Kenneth Branagh, HP & Chamber Of Secrets

He stole the show. Christopher Walken would also be a good pick from Catch Me.

Supporting Actress - Susan Sarandon, Igby Goes Down

I hate the commie, and the movie sucked, but credit where credit is due. She CAN act; hell, she made Moonlight Mile watchable.

Director - Peter Jackson, LOTR: The Two Towers

No contest, completely redifined the battle epic; plus translated the considerable mishmash of the book into compelling drama.

12-29-2002, 01:20 AM
"Actress - Maggie Gyllenhall, Secretary"

Just saw this movie as I spent X-Mas week in a city instead of the high desert. She did a phenomenal job; she was basically the whole movie. No way will an award go to the movie tho. Boris was right, it was a romantic comedy. But not one to see on a first date. /forums/images/icons/wink.gif

12-29-2002, 11:43 PM
Just saw "The Hours" today. It's not for everyone, but it is an amazing movie. Can't imagine it won't be one of the five pictures nominated, and I would think both Meryl Streep and Nicole Kidman (who I normally can't stand) will both be nominated, (Julianne Moore probably would be, except that I think she'll be nominated for Far From Heaven instead) and possibly also Ed Harris in a supporting role.

Gee, I liked Road to Perdition.

Saw Adaptation last week, hated every minute of it. The only thing worse than having to watch Nicholas Cage for 2 hours is having to watch two of him. Cooper will probably be nomiated for best supporting actor though.