View Full Version : How does pokertracker figure table flop % ?

06-02-2005, 12:57 AM
Does anyone know this ? Does it figure up how many bought in and how many saw the flop then divide the two numbers and add it to the last hand's percent then divide by 2 ?

Or does it add the last 10 hands seen flop percent then divide by 10 ? Something like this ? Thanks.

I guess both methods would be somewhat similar but I would think if you did only the last 10 then that number would be more accurate than the first method which averages all of the hands.

06-02-2005, 03:16 AM
Nobody knows ? I need to know this. Are the blinds counted as part of the table flop % and are the blinds included when calculating an individual's flop % ? thanks.

I need to know because I'm writing a flop % program for myself for one of the more obscure sites out there because I'm getting my ass kicked. I don't know who is loose , etc so I'm making a little flop % program.

06-02-2005, 04:01 AM
Nobody knows ? I need to know this.

[/ QUOTE ]
Ask at pokertrackers own forum