View Full Version : Slim & Lift Silhouette

05-26-2005, 02:58 AM
ok, so its late, im going to sleep, just watched dharma and greg (its actually a funny show for me since i had a relationship very much like that....5 months ago.)

after the show the slim & lift silhouette (in sizes small to XXXL) infomertial comes on.

if you haven't seen it i can't go on explaining it but for those have have seen it the funniest part is DEFINATELY when they get this woman whose waiste is FIFTY NINE inches wide, give her a S&LS that looks like it could fit on a doll and she comes back & her waiste is 51 inches.

i thought to myself...dude, thats like taking a cup of water out of the ocean...she was still enourmous.

sorry for the pointlessneess


Michael Davis
05-26-2005, 03:05 AM
"just watched dharma and greg"


This makes the last post of yours that I responded to a clear lie.


05-26-2005, 08:37 AM
its actually a funny show for me

[/ QUOTE ]

...so you're the one.

05-26-2005, 08:44 AM
It takes a man very confident of his sexuality to admit he watches "Dharma and Greg."

Maybe too confident.