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View Full Version : Whats the most stupid thing you have ever done while drunk?

05-24-2005, 01:11 AM
im still thinking, ill post it when i get it narrowed down.

05-24-2005, 01:13 AM
Easy. Unprotected sex.

05-24-2005, 01:15 AM
Easy. Unprotected sex.

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while stupid, i think this is pretty uninteresting as almost every one has done it

05-24-2005, 01:15 AM
Easy. Unprotected sex.

[/ QUOTE ]

So hard to resist making a joke right now......

05-24-2005, 01:18 AM
Passing out during sex.

Starting a fight outnumbered 4 to 17.

Depends on my mood.

05-24-2005, 01:19 AM

05-24-2005, 01:26 AM
drive but that's not a funny one.

So there are these bushes behind the dorms where I lived. I had gone out to a party with some friends and returned home. At this point I remembered I left my keys in my friends place (note that it doesn't really matter since I'm already home, but i'm drunk and at this point it's crucial that i retrieve them).

So the bushes. They were behind my dorn and between me and my friends place (only aobut a 2 minute walk) and while it would have added 30seconds to my walk to just walk around them like I always do, I though tthe bushes looked bouncy and didn't want to be bothered.

So I dove, headlong into the bushes fully expecting to bounce off them and land on my feet on the other side.

I crashed through the bushes to the dirt, bruised a rib, scratched up the hell out of myself (they were somewhat prickly) and lost a shoe.

I have many other stories but I believe this is the best one.

The Stranger
05-24-2005, 01:34 AM
whatever it is, I probably don't remember it.

From what I can recall its a tie between these two:

a) Being a smart-ass while a LA County Sheriff's Deputy is patting me down
b) Taking a nap around midnight underneath a car in downtown Oakland

05-24-2005, 01:35 AM
I once thought I could stop a hand-held blender by holding the blade really tight while I turned it on.

It turns out I couldn't.

05-24-2005, 01:39 AM
This isn't the dumbest, but it's more interesting than driving or puking on someone.

Living in SF in college we lived in an apartment on the 6th floor on Sutter. We had some people over and we were all drinking. We decided that we'd throw this huge watermelon our friend had brought over out the window into the street. I decided it'd be great to photograph from the street level.

I went downstairs to get ready to shoot it, and make sure there weren't any people or cars coming that we'd hit. My roomate who was going to throw yelled to me "You ready?" and I said "No" which he maybe thought was "Go" and he launches it. My camera wasn't even on yet.

Anyway, he throws it almost directly towards me, and we lived across the street from a hotel, so now a couple is pulling up to the valet. This is why I told him "no" earlier. They're getting out as the melon is flying down.

The melon hits the floor and I never realized how much juice is inside these things. The guy's girlfriend is already almost fully out of the car, and he's talking to the valet. The splash from the juice hits him, hits me, and then in a really wierd moment, sort of flows in a big wave towards the curb, hits the curb, and splashes back and upward all over the guy's girl and his car.

So now everyone upstairs in our apartment is laughing loudly and I'm standing next to a very angry guy covered in watermelon juice and holding a camera.

I said something like "Whoa, what the [censored] was that?" in my worst surprised acting voice and walked back to my apartment. I guess the guy followed me in and complained to our doorman. After about 5 minutes back in my apartment we figured we shouldn't be there, and we left out a side entrance, and saw cops showing up. Nothing happened though because the doorman was very cool with me and we got back from the bar and there were no problems.

05-24-2005, 01:55 AM
ok i figured out a pretty good one....as some of you may or may not know, im a huuuuge ohio state football fan (i went there for 4+ years) and the fraternity i was in would get tickets in the same area with a sorority. anyways, one time one of my boys dared me to piss on this kid that was in our house that was a cool kid, but reacted pretty badly to getting picked on (needless to say he got it worse than anyone in the house). so in my drunken state, i decide to whip it out and urinate on his pant leg. half way through, he starts to notice....he turns around and pushes me. i fall down in mid piss and end up pissing all over his girlfriends head. she wasnt too happy.

05-24-2005, 02:03 AM
Whats the most stupid thing you have ever done while drunk?

[/ QUOTE ]


The Yugoslavian
05-24-2005, 02:11 AM
There is a very high chance you will find out in less than 3 weeks, /images/graemlins/blush.gif.


05-24-2005, 02:11 AM
Professing my love to really good (female) friends.


05-24-2005, 02:23 AM
It's 1:23 AM, i quit tonight up 50 BB, been drinking straight gin (Bombay Sapphire, I'm no fool), and have already been in a fight today at 2:20 in the afternoon (I was in the right, of course, at 5'7 140, I cant afford to fight when I'm wrong).

I'm meeting my friend in half hour for a night of 'damn, your bald spot got an ugly scab' drinking, so I'll check in in the morning. I got a good feeling.

05-24-2005, 02:57 AM
Freshmen year in the dorms. It's my 19th birthday and get hammered, 3 40's and a couple of shots and i'm retarded. While walking around the dorms I think it's a great time for a drunken cartwheel. Smashed my ankle into the metal door frame that left a lump for 2 months. So it's like 3 and it's time to pass out. I wake up at 5 or so because i have to piss. Walk out of my room and make a right down the hallway to the bathroom, make the immediate right into my neighbors room (i played lacrosse with one of them, so we were friends). I walk into their room, whip out my johnson, and start pissing on their chair in the middle of the room. The sound of piss soaking into one of the guys brand new leather jacket and hoodie wakes them up. One of them starts screaming "gus, gus, what the f are you doing. I reply "don't worry man i'll flush". I put it away and try to flush the chair. By this point they're screaming and i finally snap out of my drunken stupor. I swear i really did this, i have the dry cleaning bill from the leather jacket to prove it.


05-24-2005, 02:59 AM
Carle or Lauren. Toss up.

05-24-2005, 03:10 AM

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05-24-2005, 03:12 AM
If you did that to me in front of my girlfriend, I would hurt you really bad.

The fact that you would do something like that to someone you consider "cool" disgusts me.

05-24-2005, 03:23 AM
Me and Zen were in Mesquite playing in a poker tournament. Zen cashed in the first event and we won a few hundred.

So we went to the craps table and started gambling and drinking.

Somehow, we ran $200 up to almost $20K... but we were super drunk. So we asked the boss what was the maximum bet they would allow on the table. There were a bajillion people watching us, including all of the pit bosses/managers/etc. working at 2am for the casino. So we started betting the max (something like 3K) on every roll and lost it all in 9 seconds.

Then we went to the ATM and got like $2K more each off a credit card (even though we were planning to only spend like $800 all weekend) and blew all of that too.

It was pretty awesome.


05-24-2005, 03:28 AM
That is pretty awesome.


05-24-2005, 03:32 AM
unprotected sex. check.
drive. check. (took 3 times of not getting arrested before I stopped)

The good stuff that I do when I'm drunk, I usually cannot remember, and my friends tell me the next day. Too many of those stories to list. I am a genius when I drink.

Anyway, after a good night of drinking, on my walk home with a friend of mine, I decided it would be a good idea to push the Blue Emergency Lights that our campus had strategically placed on campus. So, not 20 seconds after I pushed the alarm, a campus police car rolled down the center of campus, and stopped my friend and I (and we were running away from the scene, suspicious ... i think so!). He managed to tell us about a fine, and repercussions from the school, and yada yada. This fool bought our made up story, and we told them a group of kids had been in the area a few minutes ago, and they appeared to be "messing around." After that, I never pushed the emergency lights, and I was glad to know that if there was a real emergency, things would of been handled quick.

05-24-2005, 03:36 AM
Drive, and speed like hell while doing it.

Apart from that, screwing who and when I shouldn't have and missing out on screwing I should have done.

Pretty minor stuff basically, except I've driven really fast and really drunk off my ass before, which was just stupid. I'm the type who doesn't believe you don't really know what you're doing when you're drunk, and that almost all the time that's just a lame excuse, so I have to blame my being stupid, nothing else. I didn't get caught, but considering I could have killed someone, lost my license, my car, my life, whatever, I'm very un-proud of it. And I don't do that shyt anymore.

05-24-2005, 03:37 AM
I once thought I could stop a hand-held blender by holding the blade really tight while I turned it on.

It turns out I couldn't.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ewww...that sounds like a Stephen King story or something. Was there any permanent damage? Were there witnesses? I would hate to see that.

05-24-2005, 03:45 AM
in high school i went out with some buddies over to a girls house at around 8:00pm. we all had our own 12-pack of coors light. so we sit around and drink about 6 of them. then we decide to head over to a party across town in my friends sierra truck. i got the middle cause i was a sophmore and my friends were seniors. they had been wanting me to take a dip with them for awhile. so, as i was drunk, i decide to take my first chew. of course after 2 minutes with it in my mouth i had to throw up. i reach for the narrow necked arrowhead water bottle and try to get my puke in it. the puke ends up spraying everywhere in the truck off of the sides of the bottle. all over me and my two friends. we pull over to the side of the road and they let me throw up for a while. then they put me in the bed of the truck wasted and drove to the party. they hung out at the party for about 45 mins before they decided it was time to get some food at jack in the box. so at jack in the box they show me off as a trophy to all their friends hanging out, and i get thoroughly laughed at. eventually they dropped me off at about 1:30am. anyways, that was about the last time i hung out with those guys, and they never got the smell out of the seats.

05-24-2005, 03:47 AM
i thought someone would have put "stuck it in his pooper" by now.

05-24-2005, 03:48 AM
me to a cop: "fk you you dirty pig!"

i have also driven a car while drunk, that was pretty f'n stupid, too.

05-24-2005, 03:50 AM
Easy. Unprotected sex.

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while stupid, i think this is pretty uninteresting as almost every one has done it

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It may be cliche, but this is clearly the answer for me. Oy.

05-24-2005, 03:59 AM
If you did that to me in front of my girlfriend, I would hurt you really bad.

The fact that you would do something like that to someone you consider "cool" disgusts me.

[/ QUOTE ]

hence the title, stupidest thing ive done drunk

05-24-2005, 03:59 AM
I do remember the stupidest thing my friend has ever done while drunk, that I know of. Well there's another one that I won't tell, but this one is more funny.

I shared a two-bedroom apartment with five guys in college on the third floor of a five-story building, the kind that was built like a pentagon around a closed inner courtyard, with all the balconies facing each other. One Friday night we all came back from work and school and cracked a few beers, and this friend dropped by. He always got drunk really easily, so soon he was pretty toasted.

There were a lot of very cute college girls in this building, and we had seen a few on the balconies facing us earlier in the day. Well anyway, this guy can sometimes be one of my least favorite types of drunk -- the morose, self-pitying drunk.

Three of us, including my friend, go out on the balcony, and right out of nowhere, this guy decided to explode into a public self-pity binge, and worse yet, drag all of us with him into his humiliation. Sound really carries in five stories of enclosed concrete Really loud, he calls out, "We're not so baaaaaaad. We're looooooooooonely!"

Me and my roommates were half thunderstruck, half choking on our beers and laughing, and couldn't believe this idiot had just made us look like the most pathetic bunch of losers in the building, by association. Nobody knew who he was, just that this confession came from our apartment. We were laughing, but also kind of enraged, and we literally dragged him from the balcony, hoping nobody saw him or realized where the "lonely guy" bleating his misery really was. He was an idiot and a friend of ours, but god, we wanted to kick his ass.

The next day, the idiot was safely at his house, and a friend and I were just talking on the balcony during the day when two really cute girls started talking to us from their balcony across the way. We were cracking each other up, and things were going great, you know. It was all good and it looked like we were making a couple of pretty nice and very cute friends.

Then comes the sound of someone's balcony door sliding open, and some killjoy bastard comes out onto his balcony and goes, "Hey, are those the lonely guys?" And a bunch of people in different apartments started laughing. It was surreal, like the kind of nightmare where you realize you came to school with no pants; the laughs were bouncing back and forth and echoing over the walls like a madman's paranoid fantasy. From heaven to hell in the span of a second.

No, no, that wasn't us, we said. It was our drunk friend. The girls busted up, and someone from another apartment goes, "Yeah, that was them." The girls walked laughing back into their apartment, and we were branded for life as the official total losers of the whole building from that point onward. That's the last we saw of them.

I wanted to kill that drunken jerk. I told him and he busted a gut laughing at how he screwed us over permanently. Son of a bitch!

05-24-2005, 04:00 AM
There is a very high chance you will find out in less than 3 weeks, /images/graemlins/blush.gif.


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rofl.....we need to start a friendly lil wager /images/graemlins/wink.gif

05-24-2005, 04:02 AM
If you did that to me in front of my girlfriend, I would hurt you really bad.

The fact that you would do something like that to someone you consider "cool" disgusts me.

[/ QUOTE ]

He doesn't have to do that to me for me to go psycho. If he did that anyone I cared about or even respected I would hurt

EDIT: I'm just glad he realizes that he was dumb.

05-24-2005, 04:05 AM
This would have to be the time when I was so drunk I couldn't find my new apartment and walked into the wrong one. I walked in, sat down next to the guy on the couch, who I thought was my dad, and asked what he was watching on TV. It was then I looked up and saw the shocked look on his wifes face and I said "oh". As I got up to leave he put a hand on my shoulder and kinda sat me back down while saying 'hold on'. Luckily, this couple lived a couple doors down and recognized me. I basically explained how I was lost and the guy was kind enough to lead me to my door. Other than drinking and playing Quarters with a guy who went by "Cool Breeze" these are the only details I recall from that evening.

05-24-2005, 04:08 AM
You seriously need to give this guy a gift or something

05-24-2005, 04:09 AM
Ya, I got the cops called on me...

05-24-2005, 04:31 AM
If you did that to me in front of my girlfriend, I would hurt you really bad.

The fact that you would do something like that to someone you consider "cool" disgusts me.

[/ QUOTE ]

He doesn't have to do that to me for me to go psycho. If he did that anyone I cared about or even respected I would hurt

EDIT: I'm just glad he realizes that he was dumb.

[/ QUOTE ]

dont you love how tough everyone is online????

05-24-2005, 04:45 AM
Hmmmmmmmm thats a tough 1 many stupid moments usually with my mouth.

Maybe surfing on the hood of a car going 25mph.

Or the night we got busted drinking underage. Cop tells me to dump the beer out. I tell the bulldyke we dont have an opener. She says yeah you do. So I proceed to un cap the bottles with my teeth and spit the caps between her feet.

05-24-2005, 04:49 AM
Carle or Lauren. Toss up.

[/ QUOTE ]

nah, it's amy. all four times /images/graemlins/frown.gif

05-24-2005, 09:15 AM
Most Stupid = PAID for sex....though it was a 3-some with my another friend....

And there was 31 of us who did this.....Damn I hate Jolly Boys Outings...

05-24-2005, 09:16 AM
Damn I hate Jolly Boys Outings...

[/ QUOTE ]

has anything in history sounded more gay than this?

05-24-2005, 09:21 AM
One night in San Diego a buddy and I went to a bonfire party on the beach. We stopped on the way and he bought a bottle of Jack and I bought a bottle of Turkey.

Last thing I remember we were both laughing our asses off with a couple of inches left in the bottom of each bottle. I woke up face down in the sand about 100 yards down the beach the next morning.

My new leather jacket was all burned. Later they told me I had gotten cold and kept crawling out on the burning wooden pallets to sleep.

The buddy I was there with had also gotten cold and wandered off the beach and broken into The Old Ox Inn to sleep. The police came when the silent alarm went off and they sent a police dog in to check things out. The dog ate half my friend's pant leg off before he woke up. He was still drunk and kept trying to play with the dog that was eating his leg, and the cops kept kidding him about rough housing with their dog. The owner was nice and they just made him pay for the window he broke.

Good times.

05-24-2005, 09:29 AM
Were you stationed here Jake?

05-24-2005, 09:37 AM
Were you stationed here Jake?

[/ QUOTE ]

Yea. I was at MCRD for awhile and Pendleton briefly.

Pocket Trips
05-24-2005, 10:25 AM
I once thought I could stop a hand-held blender by holding the blade really tight while I turned it on.

It turns out I couldn't.

[/ QUOTE ]

Was that you in that ice cream store thread about a week or 2 ago? /images/graemlins/grin.gif

05-24-2005, 10:29 AM
Damn...busted....it was 3 guys in the 3-some......some midget we found whilst kerb-cawling.....and was willing to earn a quick dollar.........

As for Jolly Boys Outing...sounding gay.....that was the idea....I just forgot myself when typing it.....

Still by far and awy the most stupid thing i have ever done....

05-24-2005, 10:41 AM
Were you stationed here Jake?

[/ QUOTE ]

So many good drunk stories from that time in my life. There was also the time a few of us went down to Tijuana, got drunk and were headed back. A Federale stopped us on a bridge and was trying to extort money from us. At some point he put his hand on his pistola...bad idea with a bunch of drunk jarheads. We grabbed him and tossed him off the bridge and ran for the border.

Pocket Trips
05-24-2005, 10:43 AM
I'd have to say its a toss up between passing a cop car on the left hand side of Main street to get a freind back to his rehab on time or pissing on the Hoboken police station while walking from one bar to another

05-24-2005, 11:12 AM
This isn't really stupid but, I once got so drunk in my freshman year of college, I had to be carried up to my room.

I woke up in the middle of the night on my stomach in my bed and was so out of it that I was unable to get up but just kept vomiting and vomiting basically right in front of my head then I woke up in the morning and found out that I had pissed all over myself . That was probably as bad as it has gotten. I think I nearly died that night. Had they laid me on my back, I might have choked on my own vomit and died.

05-24-2005, 11:16 AM
A Federale stopped us on a bridge and was trying to extort money from us. At some point he put his hand on his pistola...bad idea with a bunch of drunk jarheads. We grabbed him and tossed him off the bridge and ran for the border.

[/ QUOTE ]

We have a winner.

05-24-2005, 11:17 AM

[/ QUOTE ]

05-24-2005, 11:21 AM
This isn't really stupid but, I once got so drunk in my freshman year of college, I had to be carried up to my room.

I woke up in the middle of the night on my stomach in my bed and was so out of it that I was unable to get up but just kept vomiting and vomiting basically right in front of my head then I woke up in the morning and found out that I had pissed all over myself . That was probably as bad as it has gotten. I think I nearly died that night. Had they laid me on my back, I might have choked on my own vomit and died.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ah you'd have been fine. Most people have been this drunk.

05-24-2005, 11:24 AM
Other then the unprotected sex. Nothing. I'm that guy who usually has his wits about him when he's drunk.

05-24-2005, 11:26 AM
I punched a wall to prove that I wouldn't feel it. And I didn't (until the next morning).

Pocket Trips
05-24-2005, 11:30 AM
I punched a wall to prove that I wouldn't feel it. And I didn't (until the next morning).

[/ QUOTE ]

Brilliant! /images/graemlins/grin.gif

05-24-2005, 11:44 AM
when i was living in my frat house i'd, shockingly enough, get wasted all the time...

i've done tons of stupid things, but they all had explanations after the fact.

but this one i still have no idea what happened...

it was the day before the start of my pledges hell week and the brothers and i got drunk and had some girls over, and some girls had some girls over, and we ended up having ahuge party... the next morning i woke up in the bunk in an unused room with a sheet over myself, my shirt, socks and shoes on but no pants or boxers...nothing strange had been done to me (i.e. no mustard in my hair, no markers all over my face, no leg hair shaved) and i was the only one around (other than the folks and girlfriends in their rooms sound asleep or otherwise passed out)

so i wrap the sheet around me, go downstairs and find in the middle of the tv room in the house, my shorts and boxers.

and they were drenched. like 100% completely soaked. my socks were dry, my shirt was dry, my shoes were dry, but my pants an boxers were just drenched...it was like 545am when i woke up so i gathered my shorts, putthem on, went back to my place on L street, changed, and came back at 6:15 just as the pledges were arriving for their 6:30am beginning of hell week lineup.

i asked the guys what had transpired after the party, they said they each went home and just passed out so they could get up and lineup the neophytes.

nobody heard of anything special or strange and i left it at that...

stil dont know what happened...one of the stranger possibilities is that i took my pants and shorts off for no reason and decided to piss all over them before walking up stairs and going to sleep half naked with my shoes still on...i refuese to beleive that though b/c that would have me walking around w/ piss shorts on for 10minutes before i got back to my place.

so thats the one thing that comes to mind other than unprotected sex...


05-24-2005, 01:52 PM
throw money on the ground outside the place we were drinking at. I lost $700. I also left $200 on a $150 tab, which isn't too crazy but we were drinking at a Korean cafe and people don't normally tip that much there. I woke up the next morning inside my car outside my friend's house w/ puke all over myself, a little bit on my car, w/ a scraped elbow and a fat bruise on my ass. I found out later that I was stumbling all over the place and even managed to fall down head first on a fat piece of rock. I didn't even know why I had a bump on the back of my head until my friend told me.

Never again will I get so wasted.

05-24-2005, 02:07 PM
Oh yea. And i just remembered the New Year's Eve that I tried to take on the whole University of Texas O-Line at once. I don't recommend it. If they hadn't been very nice and mostly just amused by the whole thing, they could've really messed me up.

05-24-2005, 02:18 PM
If you did that to me in front of my girlfriend, I would hurt you really bad.

The fact that you would do something like that to someone you consider "cool" disgusts me.

[/ QUOTE ]

He doesn't have to do that to me for me to go psycho. If he did that anyone I cared about or even respected I would hurt

EDIT: I'm just glad he realizes that he was dumb.

[/ QUOTE ]

dont you love how tough everyone is online????

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't know what that is supposed to mean, but I'm not afraid to take someone on much bigger then I am. In fact, that's the way I like it.

05-24-2005, 02:29 PM
I don't know what that is supposed to mean, but I'm not afraid to take someone on much bigger then I am. In fact, that's the way I like it.

[/ QUOTE ]

If he wins, everyone is pissed at him and you still look good taking on the big guy. If you win, everyone laughs at him for getting his ass kicked by the little guy. No lose for the little guy.

05-24-2005, 02:37 PM
I don't know what that is supposed to mean, but I'm not afraid to take someone on much bigger then I am. In fact, that's the way I like it.

[/ QUOTE ]

If he wins, everyone is pissed at him and you still look good taking on the big guy. If you win, everyone laughs at him for getting his ass kicked by the little guy. No lose for the little guy.

[/ QUOTE ]

except for the fact that if its a real fight he hurts you quite badly........maybe you never been in a real fight. Its not like the movies, it hurts

05-24-2005, 02:40 PM
except for the fact that if its a real fight he hurts you quite badly........maybe you never been in a real fight. Its not like the movies, it hurts

[/ QUOTE ]

This is quite funny.

Pocket Trips
05-24-2005, 02:42 PM
Can't say for sure I did anything stupid here but in college i got drunk in a house being rented by 3 girls and woke up in the living room wearing nothing but a pair of fuzzy blue slippers. Over the years i eventually went out with all 3 girls who lived there and to this day i still have NO IDEA what happened that night. Whever I would bring it up with them they would all just laugh at me... It might have been the best night of my life with 3 women but i can't remember a thing that happened /images/graemlins/grin.gif

05-24-2005, 02:44 PM
Can't say for sure I did anything stupid here but in college i got drunk in a house being rented by 3 girls and woke up in the living room wearing nothing but a pair of fuzzy blue slippers. Over the years i eventually went out with all 3 girls who lived there and to this day i still have NO IDEA what happened that night. Whever I would bring it up with them they would all just laugh at me... It might have been the best night of my life with 3 women but i can't remember a thing that happened /images/graemlins/grin.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

I think the answer is to get the three girls together again. All get drunk, bring out the fuzzy blue slippers and see what happens. /images/graemlins/grin.gif

05-24-2005, 02:51 PM
If someone pissed on me, I would fight everyone up to but not including Mike Tyson.

05-24-2005, 03:07 PM
Whats the most stupid thing you have ever done while drunk?

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Yeah, me too. Twice. Different Rachel though, probably.

After that story got around my friends starting calling me "Hogger".

05-24-2005, 03:16 PM
If someone pissed on me, I would fight everyone up to but not including Mike Tyson.

[/ QUOTE ]

If one of my roomates pissed on me, I'd just wait till they were sleeping and then come into their room and just start punching them in the face.

No need to fight them at the moment.

05-24-2005, 03:21 PM
Easy. Unprotected sex.

[/ QUOTE ]
while stupid, i think this is pretty uninteresting as almost every one has done it

[/ QUOTE ]
unprotected sex. check.

[/ QUOTE ]
It may be cliche, but this is clearly the answer for me. Oy.

[/ QUOTE ]
Other then the unprotected sex. Nothing.

[/ QUOTE ]

So, did you use Aldara to treat your genital warts, or did you have them lasered off?

05-24-2005, 03:24 PM
I fought a German Shepard attack dog. Btw, I won!

05-24-2005, 03:28 PM
If one of my roomates pissed on me, I'd just wait till they were sleeping and then come into their room and just start punching them in the face.

[/ QUOTE ]

You still aren't getting them back very well though. [censored] on them a la CKY2K.

05-24-2005, 04:11 PM

except for the fact that if its a real fight he hurts you quite badly........maybe you never been in a real fight. Its not like the movies, it hurts

[/ QUOTE ]

That kind of pain feels good, it's almost cleansing. It's the reconstructive surgery that will make a grown man cry.

05-24-2005, 04:17 PM

except for the fact that if its a real fight he hurts you quite badly........maybe you never been in a real fight. Its not like the movies, it hurts

[/ QUOTE ]

That kind of pain feels good, it's almost cleansing. It's the reconstructive surgery that will make a grown man cry.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh come on. A crushed cheekbone and nose at a right angle give a face character.

pheasant tail (no 18)
05-24-2005, 04:24 PM
hence the title, stupidest thing ive done drunk

[/ QUOTE ]

Fair enough. At least it wasn't as stupid as the date rape that was going on upstairs at your frat house.

05-24-2005, 04:29 PM
hence the title, stupidest thing ive done drunk

[/ QUOTE ]

Fair enough. At least it wasn't as stupid as the date rape that was going on upstairs at your frat house.

[/ QUOTE ]

Still pissed off because you didn't get a bid anywhere? Thats ok, you can just call the frat guys rapists because theyre getting ass and youre at home doubleclicking your mouse.

05-24-2005, 04:29 PM
Oh come on. A crushed cheekbone and nose at a right angle give a face character.

[/ QUOTE ]

They will also give you chronic sinus infections that lead to pneumonia.

05-24-2005, 04:30 PM
Oh come on. A crushed cheekbone and nose at a right angle give a face character.

[/ QUOTE ]

They will also give you chronic sinus infections that lead to pneumonia.

[/ QUOTE ]

Wimp. /images/graemlins/grin.gif

pheasant tail (no 18)
05-24-2005, 04:37 PM
Still pissed off because you didn't get a bid anywhere? Thats ok, you can just call the frat guys rapists because theyre getting ass and youre at home doubleclicking your mouse.

[/ QUOTE ]

hahahahahaha. Excellent response. Congratulations on all the ass you get.

05-24-2005, 04:42 PM
Oh come on. A crushed cheekbone and nose at a right angle give a face character.

[/ QUOTE ]

They will also give you chronic sinus infections that lead to pneumonia.

[/ QUOTE ]

Wimp. /images/graemlins/grin.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

After being hospitalized 4 times from pneumonia and the doctor telling me the odds of surviving a 5th round aren't very good, I have no problem choosing the wimp route. Plus, ladies don't like guys with chronic sinus infections/coughs.

05-24-2005, 04:43 PM
We really, really need to hear from gorie, Katie, peachy, jo & Dangergirl in this thread.

05-24-2005, 04:45 PM
We really, really need to hear from gorie, Katie, peachy, jo & Dangergirl in this thread.

[/ QUOTE ]

05-24-2005, 04:47 PM
YOu just inspireid me to remember two more.

First: I had planned to go to some party and was prefunking in my dorm room with some floormates. When it came time to go to the party they didn'tw ant to go but I had already talked to a friend abotu meetign him there so I headed out on my own.
Unfortuently I didn't quite get there. I remember stopping at some other random party briefly, and feeling a dull pain in my foot before just heading home. I wake up the next day and find my sock is covered covered with blood. There's a hole in my foot, and a hole in my sock but no hole in my shoe . To this day I have no idea. I also talked to my friend on aim, the conversation went something like:
me: hey dude, you ever make it to that party last night?
him: what?
me: that party? weren't supposed to go to some party on brooklyn
him: yes, we did. we hugn out there for like 2 hours.
me: uh oh.

My first and only frat party. I've discovered the "all you can drink" rule, and am taking full advantage. Drinking sevearl cups (cups, not shots) of straight horrible vodka. Monarch for those who live in the area. Anyway, I was sitting on the couch puking, or abotu to puke, or just having puked, and all of a sudden some girl sticks her tongue in my mouth. Being the easy going guy that I am I start to respond in kind until I, on a whim, decide to go get more alcohol. I think I told her I'd be back, or not, I'm not sure. I staggered over to the serving area and ordered my drink, cut with sprite this time, but there was no hope I was getting any of it down. In retrospect that was probably a good thing. Anyway a friend foudn me and told me the cops were coming and we left and forgot about my friend on the couch.

Until the next day. When I woke up for some reason in the dorm lounge, and reached in my pocket. I found her ID card and looked at her picture. I almost vomited. She was probably the ugliest girl I'd seen in months. I literally had a visceral reaction to it.

05-24-2005, 04:51 PM
We really, really need to hear from gorie, Katie, peachy, jo & Dangergirl in this thread.

[/ QUOTE ]

i've never been drunk. no good stories here, i'm boring.

05-24-2005, 04:57 PM
ok...i'm going to to tell two stories of me being really drunk, and you guys be the judge of which is worse.

both of these nights happened in subsequent weeks, at the same club, with me losing my cell phone both times.

the first night i make out with a chick on a bed in a club called "shelter" in hollywood, then proceed to lose my cell phone and [censored] myself while sleeping. quick and painless.

the next week, my brother and i along with a bunch of friend go again, and take a taxi there cuz we were ripped before we go.

during the night a see this short 5' 3" girl with tig ol bitties dancing with 3 much uglier girls. i start dancing with her, and buy her a drink. we gte to tlaking, and she's got a heavy ukrainian accent.

several drinks later, we both ripped and once again, we make out on the bed of this same club, but this time it must have been worse, cuz the bouncer told us to stop.

so she decides she wants to go home with me, so my friends and i all jump into the taxi. we get home, and i immediately move to my brother's room, cuz i sleep on the couch there.

i lock the door, but apparently my brother wanted none of this, and managed to open it. i decide this must be done at her place.

so drunk of my ass, we get in my car and drive from west hollywood to east LA at 3 in the morning.

we get to her place, and do our thing, and i remember thinking to myself "i'm so drunk i'm gonna [censored] this girl without a condom, and i don't care." however, she doens't want ot have sex, and everytime i try to go downsouth, she says "trust me, you don't want to do that." (she wasn't a man, i'm sure, she just didn't want me to do anything with it)

she gives me head, and i passout with her on top of me.

i wake up with a horrible hangover and decide to get some water. when i enter the kitchen, i see a bunch of plates and cups and even utensils marked with red stickers. naturally, being the idiot, i grab one of the red stickered cups and fill it with water.

all of a sudden the girl appears out fo no where and says "NO don't drink that, you'll get legions in your stomach."

at this point i decide i need to get the [censored] outta here

then i remmeber the funny story she told me last night about her friend with aids.

then i remember the amazing amount of prescription pills on her roomate's desk.

then i remember her asking me if she could pass for a girl who has HIV.

then i say i'm a daytrader and the market opens in 1 hour and i gotta be there, even though it's a saturday.

i grab my [censored] and run... and get to my brothers house an hour later.

he opens the door and says, "dude, wtf happened to you?"

i say... "i hooked up /images/graemlins/wink.gif"

05-24-2005, 08:28 PM
I don't remember.

05-24-2005, 08:33 PM

05-24-2005, 08:42 PM
I'm not sure i get this whole thing. So was she a he? Did he/she have HIV? Legions in your stomach?

05-24-2005, 08:49 PM
Legions in your stomach?

[/ QUOTE ]

Lesions maybe... I dunno, that was a weird story.

05-24-2005, 08:51 PM
Announced to the cops breaking up the party I was at,
"You cops sure are funny."
Let's just say handcuffs and a paddy wagon were involved a little later in the tale.

05-24-2005, 09:27 PM
I'm not sure i get this whole thing. So was she a he? Did he/she have HIV? Legions in your stomach?

[/ QUOTE ]

i'm 100% sure her roomate had HIV / AIDS

i'm 65% sure she herself had HIV / AIDS

she didn't want me to drink the water cuz the roomate drinks from that cup, and i guess he had some bad ailments

Justin A
05-24-2005, 09:47 PM
When I was 16 staying at the Reno Hilton with my baseball team, I decide at 3 AM that it's a good idea to walk to the strip by myself. So after traversing a freeway and many sidestreets, I find myself at a dead end. There's some sort of guard dog in front of some shady house that's scaring the [censored] out of me, so I try to run out of there, but end up tripping and scraping up a knee and my hands. When I finally make it down to the strip I go ahead and drop $200 at the blackjack tables.

This one isn't me but I think it's hilarious. Some friends of mine are partying at Northern Illinios, and at 1:40 AM they decide to head to Iowa City before bar closing time. They are all super drunk. Well Iowa City is about an hour and a half away, and the bars close at two. On the way there, they decide to stop at a gas station for beer and cigarettes for the trip, and pick up 90 beers and a bunch of packs of cigarettes. Eventually they get pulled over doing about 90 on the freeway and of course they go to jail. When they went back for the car the next day, they found two cases of beer sitting on the front seat. I imagine that didn't go over too well with the cops.

05-24-2005, 09:53 PM
then i remember her asking me if she could pass for a girl who has HIV.

[/ QUOTE ]

How does one respond to this?

05-24-2005, 09:53 PM

she didn't want me to drink the water cuz the roomate drinks from that cup, and i guess he had some bad ailments

[/ QUOTE ]

worse than AIDS?

05-24-2005, 10:09 PM
then i remember her asking me if she could pass for a girl who has HIV.

[/ QUOTE ]

How does one respond to this?

[/ QUOTE ]

i think i laughed and bought her another shot

reminds me of that arrested development episode...

"i'm blind"

05-25-2005, 12:50 AM
Okay, I just thought of a good one. There are a lot to chose from, believe you me. This is a good one though.

I was in D.C. visiting a high school buddy who went to Georgetown and hasn't left, lives in Adams Morgan. I'm there for like three nights or so. One night, we drink a bottle of tequila between the two of us before we go out to the bars. We go one place, have a few beers, and then move to another spot to meet up with a friend of mine from college that knows my high school friend from being abroad in Chile at the same time and having mutual friends.

Within about an hour, we had run up about a $500 tab, all teq shots. I'm firmly blacked out at this point, and on the way to the bathroom, I must have done or said something rather inappropriate, b/c when I came out of the bathroom, a member of the security staff for the place grabs me and starts pulling me toward the door.

I, of course, protest, but only b/c I want to go over to the table where my friends are and let them know we have to leave. But they won't let me. So they get me out onto the sidewalk, and there are two guys out there with me. I say to one of them, 'Look, I'm just going to go inside and get my friends, settle our tab, and then we'll leave,' or something to that effect, and they say no you can't go back in. So I start to walk back in (I'm a pretty big guy). The first guy, who turned out to be the owner of the place, steps in front of me. I pick him up off the ground and move him to one side, and keep going toward the door, which is quickly blocked by the second guy, a bouncer. I picked this guy up by the shoulders and promptly started shaking the [censored] out of him. Well, there were four (no exaggeration) cruisers outisde the place within minutes, and my buddies, who in the meantime had realized what was happening, and had left the place in the ensuing commotion without paying our tab, were standing half a block down the street giggling like little girls.

I somehow managed to stay out of jail, but did have to put the entire tab on my card. /images/graemlins/smirk.gif

05-25-2005, 01:12 AM
Passing out during sex.

Starting a fight outnumbered 4 to 17.

Depends on my mood.

[/ QUOTE ]

Were they 5 year olds???

Big Steve /images/graemlins/cool.gif

05-25-2005, 01:23 AM
http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showthreaded.php?Cat=&Number=2303856&page=&view=&s b=5&o=&vc=1

so, oh so many others as well.

05-25-2005, 01:30 AM
two weekends ago at a party in another town, with all people i had not met. i proceded to be in one of those states that you mind as well be passed out but you are still walking, and i was being an [censored] to possibley the hottest girl there, although i probably just thought i was being smooth and hitting on her. i guess at one point i was like "its too bad youre such a bitch cause youre hot" she slapped me, i grabbed her neck, pinned her up against a wall, still thinking i was just hitting on her, then she kneed me in the nuts. everyone laughed and i guess it is on camera, however i have yet to see it. Also, almost just as importantly, later in the night (...i think) my friend took the same camera and tried to film me hooking up with a girl. this had already happened to me 3 times in the past year and i was so drunk, and pissed off, i heard him coming through the door, stood right at the door, and punched him in the face as hard as i could. he fell back, i went back to the girl, and 5 seconds later i hear him again. i stand a foot away from the door, wait for him to open it, and punch him in the face again. woke up the next day and my mouth/nose hurt, no visible signs really, and i was told he punched me in the face after and that at 4am in the morning i was outside in this girls garage with her dad's 9 iron ready to turn his car into scrap metal.

05-25-2005, 01:49 AM
well last weekend my neighbor's wife started hitting on me in front of my neighbor and my wife, so I'm gonna go with that. I haven't heard from them since. Yeah she has me outweighed by a good 80 lbs too.