View Full Version : The importance of hand selection

12-08-2001, 07:21 PM
Having played roughly 600 .50/1 games at PP, and not doing very well at all, I decided to look over all of my hand histories for some clues.

Hand selection was one of the things I focused on. I have to say, until I looked at my hand history I was unaware how much it was hurting me. I guess the 'occasional' time I would limp in with crap to see if I got lucky was slowly but surely draining me.

I compared wins and losses over the 250 games I was in (not including those I limped in on the BB and lost only the BB) and my wins and losses were rougly $230 and $250..down $20. I removed all the games where I limped in with crap (anything less than KQo) and the numbers when to $140 and $110..up $30. A total of $50 blown on limping in with trash.

Obvious newbie advice here, but I thought I would share anyway =) If anyone has advice for other glaring errors to check for in my hand history, please feel free to make suggestions!

12-08-2001, 08:05 PM
1 thing i notice on low limit table is when people limp in and there's a raise behind them and they get that pinch-faced look. just think as yer limpin whether youd mind if there was a raise behind you. if the answer is that you would mind, maybe you shouldnt be limpin in. then its a raise/fold situation, leaning towards folding. think ahead. it will save lots.

also, if yer gonna play crap once in a while. raise it. at least give the cards some value. if ya just limp with crap hopin ta catch, stand in line for a fitting yerself with gills.
