View Full Version : I'm Back ON

09-12-2001, 01:35 AM
I've been unable to get on the Internet most of the day. But I have just gotten back on and when I checked our statistics I saw that we had our busiest day ever. So it appears that these forums are a place of interchange for many people.

Obviously, our country has had a terrible day, and I hope that there are no more attacks. In addition, we are up against a very tough enemy. One that has very little value for life, including their own. So victory won't come easy and it can take a long time.

What I think we need to do now is go about our business and keep the country running. We need to show the world that we value our freedoms and will not give them up. Of course, these attacks may and probably will cause some changes in our way of life. For instance, air travel will be more inconvient in the future. But that's a small price to pay for being the leading democracy in the world and making sure we stay that way.

Lastly, let's not forget the terrible suffering that some people went through today and I support our government in whatever appropriate action they choose to take.


09-12-2001, 02:32 AM
It is important to understand that we are a vast and great country that can and will withstand the enormous and tragic blow we have received. Some may say we are in a nation that has brought this upon ourselves with misguided views towards the realities of the outside world, but who can argue that at the same time we are a great nation that is and always will be a shining beacon of hope and light in a world that is so often filled with the forces of darkness.

It is important to understand that although in some ways our way of life may change, we must never sacrifice the great freedoms our fathers and their fathers have fought for. This event has woken us up to just how tough a world we live in, but we must never give in to despair about the future.

We will rebuild the damage to our great city. We will look to the future with hope and optimism. We will pursue justice. We will be more cautious but we will not be intimidated. The American way of life will go on.


A somewhat drunk Rick

09-12-2001, 05:42 AM