View Full Version : Do fish show bluffs?

12-05-2002, 04:42 PM
I've been trying to remember if anyone that I considered a fish ever showed a bluff. I don't recall any.

So, if they don't, and I could be wrong here, does it mean that only more aware, better players do this?

If only more aware, better players do this, wouldn't it behoove me to key in on that player?

Hmm, food for thought.

12-10-2002, 01:47 PM
Playing 5-10-15-20 stud at Bally's AC Saturday night a couple of fish joined the game around midnight.

Player in 2nd seat had loose body language whenever he was bluffing (and he did this way too often, especially if he had Q or better for his door card) and tensed up whenever he made a hand. I made some nice money re-raising from seat 6 to knock out others and isolate P2 on his bluffs.

The player in 3rd seat loved to passively bet straight and flush draws. He was smart enough get out when his hands didn't improve but he would play through if he backed into 2 pair. He had a classic tell - he held his breath if he was betting 2 pair on the river. If he breathed it signaled that he had made the straight or flush.