View Full Version : The snake and the mongoose

12-01-2002, 06:16 PM
The snake and the mongoose halted when they reached the top of the world,which is somewhere north of High Kashmir and south of Cathay.The snake coiled himself upon a stone and looked north to where Mount Kailas glittered like a temple of silver and ivory in the distance."Let us rest here for a time,"the snake said."Still we half the journey to go,"grumbled the mongoose.
"Do not fear,we shall reach our goal"the snake replied.""We
have covered half the distance,traveled deserts and jungles,
fought demons,and slipped unseen through the cities of men.I shall not fail."
The mongoose snorted in derision.Mount Kailas was too far,too remote,too high,too aloof from the world.The snake had neither hands nor feet.How would he climb Lord Silva's
The snake smiled to himself,got up,and wriggled onward.