View Full Version : QQ Facing a weak bet

05-12-2005, 09:51 PM
Hero's got full buy in 100bb in sb (QQ)
Villian's got full buyin 100bb on the button

4 limps, comes to the button, makes a 7xBB raise
i decided to call the raise and see what develops on the flop.

flop comes 725 2suited, (18xBB)
i check to him, and he only gets 6xBB, smaller than his preflop raise.

so my question is should i put in a big raise?

i putting him on a AK or JJ


05-12-2005, 10:55 PM
i putting him on a AK or JJ


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Let me guess.. you put him on these hands because they are the ones you beat? KK is impossible because that would be bad for you?

I think it's far more likely that this massive underbet is AA than JJ.. JJ doesn't want a caller with a flush draw and an overcard overcards whereas someone either with AK + flush draw or AA + backdoor flush draw is far more likely to try to squeeze cash out of you.

That said, I like raising here, I just find your read very curious.

05-13-2005, 03:37 AM
I just find your read very curious.

[/ QUOTE ]

05-13-2005, 01:05 PM
Although i completely agree that the read is extremely curious, i think its better to put a guy on a hand thats worse than you , rather than always being scared of a bigger hand.
Raise to find where you're at, if reraised, throw it away, If called proceed with caution, he probably has an overpair, and it is upto you. If you think you could convince him you have a set, and have a tight image, bet/raise the turn. If you have a laggy image and have showndown bluffs, fold on turn/river bet,unless he's capable of big bluffs with air.

05-13-2005, 01:22 PM
Raise him, I'd say 20xBB to go. Hope for a fold.

If he calls, I'm shutting down and check/folding a real bet on the turn and river unless I hit a queen. If he makes more small bets I'll call him down.