View Full Version : Can we please stop posting these AA v KK's hands....

05-12-2005, 03:29 AM
If I read 1 more ignorant post about i had KK's got all in and he had AA's and I lost all my chips I may puke.


If you're afraid to put all your chips in PF in a shallow stack tourny cause the other guy may have AA's find another game to play.

Sorry about the rant but I'm just so sick of people posting hands about getting cold decked after they've waited 4 hrs for their monster and the other guy has AA's.

Nothing you can do- MOVE ON.

05-12-2005, 10:17 AM
were you at my 11$ stars rebuy table last night? or was that another tiger with a bunch of numbers after it? Bigslick was at our table, so was theory but he might have taken your seat? You were in the top right seat iirc.