View Full Version : Online articles on stud?

11-28-2002, 12:33 AM
There are couple of good articles on omaha by Annie Duke, Badger, etc. For hold'em, tons.. I don't really find much on stud/stud8. Any pointers to articles or other useful links? Thanks.

Andy B
11-28-2002, 08:56 AM
Grant Strauss has written some good, if exceedingly verbose (this coming from me), articles in Card Player. I assume that at least some of them are on their web site http://www.cardplayer.com

While I must confess that I have a couple of boxes of yet-unread poker magazines, I don't believe that I've ever seen an article on stud/8. Perhaps I should offer to write a column for Card Player. The extra $20/month might come in handy.

11-28-2002, 06:12 PM
Thanks. His articles are here:


I also found this on the web:


Any comments on this stuff?

11-29-2002, 10:21 AM
"The Kount" and Ashley are neither insightful nor entertaining, in my view. The Kount is one of the few writers where my first thought upon reading his columns is that I wish he'd come sit at my table!

Grant Strauss is interesting and obviously a highly skilled player with insights worth listening to -- but as Andy notes he is an AWFUL writer. Reading his columns is hard work but there are some interesting ideas scattered in his tangled prose.

Andy B
11-29-2002, 02:31 PM
I didn't say that Strauss is an awful writer, and in fact I think he's a better writer than most poker writers (damning with faint praise, I know). He would do well to cut out a certain amount of verbiage, though (so would you, Andy).

11-30-2002, 10:39 AM
Sorry Andy. As a professional writer (advertising), it I automatically think of verbose as a synonym with bad. When I say Strauss is an awful writer, I am referring only to the quality of his prose. His advice and strategic insights are excellent.

Now, Andy, if you tell me that "The Kount" is among your favorites, I'll have to question my sanity.

Mason Malmuth
12-01-2002, 05:54 AM
I know Grant Strauss quite well. He's an excellent stud player and I have already told him that his articles, if he keeps them up, should make an excellent book.

I don't know the other writer that the link points to. I did read one of his articles: "Winning 7 Stud Play: DRAFTING AND POKER: Mixing Up Your Game (not for beginners)," and thought it was somewhat confused and incomplete. I agree that his not reraising with the aces on third street is probably the correct play (See our book SCSFAP for more discussion.) However, what he says for fifth and sixth street is too simplistic and is certainly not automaticaly the right way to play your hand.

For example, if you read the article, he says the Queen will automatically bet on fifth. Again, in SCSFAP we advise that the Queen should frequently check -- that is don't throw too many fast balls. He needs to consider the boards, other exposed cards, etc. Thus the player with the pair of aces should be less inclined to check than this author indicates.