View Full Version : Question to those who play limit SnG's

05-11-2005, 01:27 PM
Sorry that this is cross-posted in MTT's, but theres a chance the answer might be different. How much different is strategy in these SnG's than in normal limit cash games?

Slim Pickens
05-11-2005, 01:47 PM
For the first few rounds, not much. About Level 5, I've found most players in limit tournaments don't understand that it essentially turns into a no limit tournament, and blind stealing is critical. I've found I can totally abuse the typical 10+1 O8 SnG through the bubble because people have even less of an understanding of blind stealing than they do in NL.


05-11-2005, 01:49 PM
I hate it when I accidentally join one. The big difference is that it is harder to push people off hands (until the blinds get really big), I would guess. Jam your strong hands.

I do think I have a higher ROI for my accidental joinings of Omaha/Limit HE/Stud than for NL HE. Sample size isn't all that big though.