View Full Version : Anyone have hands against me at 5/10

05-10-2005, 12:30 AM
Everytime I see stat posts and talk about styles of play and stats, I always see my play as different. I feel no need to conform and thats not the reason of my post. I was just wondering what people thought of it through any hands they may have against me. I only have around 20K hands at 5/10 and I have a VPIP of 32 and PFR of 20. I dont intend this to be a stat post, and I am not posting this because I am running bad...I am just curious.

I have read some posts on this slightly Laggish behavior being potentially profitable...I just dont know if perhaps I am pusing it too far. I know I have been running very very well too and I will say I am afraid that I am turning too LAG. I just had my first 125BB loosing session in 800 hands then the next two days I had a 125BB upswing. I think my style of play makes me more prone to large swings. But I have yet to have any large downswings over my small sample.

Anyways I was wondering if people had any hands of me being a complete donk or any other opionions on some hands. My name would be some variation of my screenname here with numbers on the end. Thanks for any help.