View Full Version : Setting a fixed amount of $ won/day for online poker?

05-01-2005, 01:17 AM
I'm wondering what the pros here think about setting a daily goal and playing till u reach that...however short/long that is per day.

i know that in general this is not recommended, but it seems to work well for me so far. of course if im at a really juicy game and reach my daily amount (which is 300$ for now) i do not quit.

please let me know why this is or isnt a good idea. (i play 5/10 shorthanded at party skins).

05-01-2005, 01:25 AM
When you have a -100bb downswing are you just going to keep on playing without sleeping?? If you are 4-tabling, it is not at all uncommon to be down over 50+ hours of playing poker.

05-01-2005, 01:26 AM
Ummmmm bad idea.

A feasible suggestion would be to both set an attainable goal (your $300) and ALSO a maximum amount you can lose a day.

Playing 5/10, make it also $300 or more.


05-01-2005, 01:27 AM
Arbitrary figures are just that. As by way of example, a few nights ago at Foxwoods I was up $490 when my friend came by, ready to leave. "Let me break $500 and we'll go..." Three hours later, he almost left me there, and I was up...

...about $480.

Hours wasted and random movie ticket money lost.

Sometimes, it's the right time to call it quits, even if you aren't to an "even" number.

Barron Vangor Toth
www.BarronVangorToth.com (http://www.BarronVangorToth.com)

05-01-2005, 01:30 AM
article in this month's 2+2 magazine (http://www.twoplustwo.com/magazine/current/blade0505.html)

05-01-2005, 01:31 AM
This is bad.

In a good game, when you are doing well, it is better to stay longer. In many cases, your opponents are psychologically defeated.. this will the the easiest money you can make.

On a bad day, even if you are not psychologically defeated, your opponents are psychologically encouraged. Trickier opponents are not good as you may have to make major adjustments to your game to compensate.

Subscribing to the theory of poker being one lifetime session, you should push the highs and minimize the lows. It can be a very long day and inefficient use of time when trying to hit your target during a bad session. Similarly, you pass on your most profitable hours (most efficient time) when you leave a good game just because you've hit your daily target.

As a pro, you're self-employed. The truly successful self-employed individuals in this world don't call it a day just because they can.

05-01-2005, 01:34 AM
oops, yes i forgot to mention that its also the lose amount that i set, quit after losing 300 cuz thats just a bad day. also quit if the session goes on too long but havent quite reached the daily amount.

i only play 2 tables at a time so losing 300 has only happened a couple of times in the 40 days ive been doing this.

the 2 years before trying this i played sporadically, random hours and with no thoughts on win/loss per day. i did well that way but thought id try this after i realized i tend to average 300 a day anyway.

05-01-2005, 01:41 AM
ok thanks guys, ive decided to do away with any daily amounts all together. i guess i was just waiting for it to fail, becuz its been going good so far. probably just a coincidence. i havent had a day longer then 5 hours, and like i said i do stay at a great table even after passing the 300. thing is i find at party most of juicy tables tend to fade after awhile and become average, thats wen i leave.

05-01-2005, 01:43 AM
doh, thanks for the article dad!!