View Full Version : UB Mess up

Malone Brown
04-30-2005, 11:26 PM
Hey All,
I was just playing in the "Heads up with a Pro" freeroll on Ub. I got an email saying I was registered for this freeroll, so I gave it a shot, it pays a $1000 HU match with Phil Hellmuth for 1st, a $500 Hu match for 2nd and a $250 for 3rd. I made it to the final 3, we each had 18 000 in chips (give or take a couple hundred. Anyway, at this point the tourney stops, and tells me congradulations, I have won 3rd place. There was only a couple hundred chip difference in the 3 of us. I sent an email to UB asking why we weren't allowed to play it out? I got back

"We are sorry, this is the only way in which it can be done. If you have other suggestion, please let us know so we can take it into consideration.

Best regards,

Customer Service"

I don't quite understand why it's not possible for us to play it out. How should I proceed with this? If I have to play for the $250, everyone come support me while I sit out and tell Phil to cram the $250 up his ass.

04-30-2005, 11:35 PM
I don't understand still after reading it a few times. When do you play Phil?

Malone Brown
04-30-2005, 11:44 PM
Tomorrow on UB, at 2PM apparently.

Malone Brown
04-30-2005, 11:50 PM
Got another email
"Dear Malone
If the tournament payed the top three places and there were already just three players left, then the system will automatically give first place to the player with more chips and so on. This is the normal paying process for any game that pays to more than one place.

Let us know if there is anything else we can help you with.

Best regards,

Customer Service"

I've played quite a few tourneys on UB and don't remember things happening like that. Am I missing something or going crazy or something. Should I be pissed or am I over reacting here?

05-01-2005, 12:06 AM
Why didn't they play it out?

05-01-2005, 12:07 AM
This makes no sense.

Malone Brown
05-01-2005, 12:15 AM
That's what I've been trying to find out, I have no idea. Talking to support is going no where, I don't know what else to do. I wouldn't make such a fuss but we had the same amount of chips (other 2 had a couple hundred more) and both were terrible (both admitted they don't play hold'em at all). The $250 is not really a big deal to me, anybody agree that I should sit out and refuse to play tomorrow for the proncipal of it, or will that prove nothing?

05-01-2005, 12:21 AM
Take the $250 and then tell UB to cram their account up their ass.

Malone Brown
05-01-2005, 12:30 AM
Well I have to beat Phil first /images/graemlins/smile.gif. I would love to do that, the problem is I've played there for 4 years now, and I only like playing there. This is by far my favorite site, and up untill now, I've had no problems. I think I might just tell Phil about it tomorrow (or who ever is playing that Hu match for him on his account) and if he choses to do nothing, I'll sit out and say [censored] you and the $250.

05-01-2005, 12:35 AM
That's what I've been trying to find out, I have no idea. Talking to support is going no where, I don't know what else to do. I wouldn't make such a fuss but we had the same amount of chips (other 2 had a couple hundred more) and both were terrible (both admitted they don't play hold'em at all). The $250 is not really a big deal to me, anybody agree that I should sit out and refuse to play tomorrow for the proncipal of it, or will that prove nothing?

[/ QUOTE ]

I think you would be cutting off your nose to spite your face. It's still a shot at $250.

However, that being said, UB is being ridiculous. There's no earthly reason they couldn't have let you play it out; all tournaments I've ever seen determine the placement of prize winners below first prize by when they were eliminated. Especially when the value of the prizes is so different; if they have a cash tourney that pays out $1000, $500, and $250, do they stop it when there are 3 players left and divvy up the prizes based on stack sizes? Keep after them; maybe if you bug them enough, they'll do something to make it up to you. Good luck!


Malone Brown
05-01-2005, 12:38 AM
Well I give up, I asked them why they stopped the tourney and this is what they told me:


As it has no consequences on who is first, second or third. The third place
plays at 2pm, the second at 4 pm and the first place at 6 pm.

Please contact us if you need any further assistance.

Best regards,

Customer Service"

I think the problem is that they dont seem to understand the fact that 1st plays for $1000, 2nd for $500, and 3rd for $250. They are going about this as if they think all three places pay the same thing. I don't know how to explain this to them any more.

05-01-2005, 12:43 AM
Respond with 'no consequences? how is 750$ not a consequence?'

Malone Brown
05-01-2005, 12:46 AM
I know, it's like I'm talking to a [censored] brick wall.

05-01-2005, 12:57 AM
You must have been playing my roommate Adelbomb in that tourny. He got 6th I think.

05-01-2005, 01:01 AM
Ask them to show you where this stupid idea originated. It sure isn't normal UB tourney policy. Not that I win that many, but I cash in enough to know reaching the magic number doesn't place you. These things play until only 1 remains.

Malone Brown
05-01-2005, 01:12 AM
They've stopped responding to my emails, either they've had enough of my emails or they realized what they did and are trying to think of a way to fix it......I don't know. Any more ideas of what I should do tommorrow when I'm playing with Phil? Should I tell him to shove it unless they fix it? Thats what I'm leaning towards.

05-01-2005, 01:18 AM
They've stopped responding to my emails, either they've had enough of my emails or they realized what they did and are trying to think of a way to fix it......I don't know. Any more ideas of what I should do tommorrow when I'm playing with Phil? Should I tell him to shove it unless they fix it? Thats what I'm leaning towards.

[/ QUOTE ]

don't be silly. Play him and take the money - argue later

Malone Brown
05-01-2005, 01:22 AM
Argue later? I doubt they are going to do anything after I've played him. I'm more concerned about the principal of the thing than the $250.

05-01-2005, 01:25 AM
I'm sure it won't be Phil anyway.

05-01-2005, 01:27 AM
How sure?

Malone Brown
05-01-2005, 01:36 AM
I'd place my money on it not being him as well.

05-01-2005, 02:39 AM
This is pure speculation on my part. My guess is that this is the magic of inflexible software. They may have had a choice:

1) Configure the tournament for cash prizes with play to a single winner. Problem is the "prize money" gets automatically added to your account.

2) Configure the tournament as a satellite with entries for the top three finishers. You saw what happened next.

Technology is like that sometimes and it's not a crime. But they really needed to make it very clear to everyone before the tournament started. Then there would be nothing for them to apologize for.

05-01-2005, 03:50 AM
Yesterday, for the 2nd time, I've sworn never to go back to UltimateBet. They do so many stupid things like this all the time. When their software is functioning, it is nice to play on. Unfortunately, it crashes all the time (Party virtually never crashes). UB has gotten progressively worse at solving the situations.

Here's a situation: SNG, 5 players left, I have half the chips in play and pick up pocket Kings. The UB server crashes. Their solution: refund all players their buy-in (even the ones that were eliminated). WTF?

Party skins customer service can often be persuaded if you are persistent enough. UB never understands legimate complaints from customers.

Obviously, you got screwed, dude. That sucks. They're treating it like the end of some TEC tournament where all places get the same prize. That's just ridiculous.

I'd keep on them about this. With $750 at stake and no solutions yet, you should step it up as much as possible. ASK A SUPERVISOR to e-mail you regarding the situation. The first level customer service people are complete morons at any company. Do whatever you can. Hope it works out. I'd play the match though. UB has a way of not reversing it's decisions to screw customers. Take what you can get.

Malone Brown
05-01-2005, 08:49 AM

Technology is like that sometimes and it's not a crime. But they really needed to make it very clear to everyone before the tournament started. Then there would be nothing for them to apologize for.

[/ QUOTE ]

I understand what you are saying, I would be absolutely fine with this if they had made this clear before the tourney, but that wasn't the case. I think this is more of a case of support just forgeting that the first, second , and third places are not the same prize, but I can't seem to get this through to them.

Malone Brown
05-01-2005, 08:53 AM
This is the fist time I have had a major problem with UB and I think if this problem is not solved, I will try playing somewhere else. I've sent numerous emails asking for a supervisor or manager's email but have got no response. I have no idea where else to go with this. Thanks all for the suggestions. HU match is at 2PM if anyone feels like watching.

Malone Brown
05-01-2005, 08:54 AM
Does anybody by chance have an email address of someone higher up the UB system then customer support??? Figure I'd ask here since support won't seem to give it to me.

05-01-2005, 09:04 AM
try emailing philhelmuth@ultimatebet.com or whatver his or annie duke's or antonio esfandiari's emails are. just email every adress you can find. maybe beanie who writes the newsletter.

05-01-2005, 09:09 AM
Definately play for the $250 though. By sitting out, you do not make a point to anyone, but yourself.

They will barely notice. Play and keep the e-mails going.

I do understand your frustration though.

05-01-2005, 10:19 AM
Do play. If you play and win you have a much better argument for them being morons than if you don't play. No play no cash no difference between 1st and 3rd. Win and you have a $750 change.

Malone Brown
05-01-2005, 12:00 PM
Well I they finally emailed:

"I understand your position, but there was no mistake, perhaps you are not familiar with our tournament rules.

Rule 18 states:

In the event a tournament is cancelled due to technical difficulties at UltimateBet.com, players who were already eliminated from the event will lose their buy-in and fees. The remaining players in the event will be paid the prize money based on their chip stacks and standings in the tournament at the time the tournament stops running.

As you can see the system credited all accounts accordingly.
We hope we clarified this issue for you. Please let us know if there is anything else we can do for you.


Customer Service Department"

Well I give up.

Malone Brown
05-01-2005, 01:28 PM
Got a new email, looks like everything is cleared up lol

"I am the supervisor and I have personally reviewed your case. As you saw on the previous message that was sent to you, the system credited the accounts following our company policies and tournament rules. If you like to further review our tournament rules please visit the link below:


We really appreciate your participation at our games and as a sigh of our gratitude we have credited your account with 25 bonus dollars.

Please let us know if you need any further assistance.
Best regards,


Customer Service Department"

They have got to be kidding me

05-01-2005, 01:43 PM
Got a new email, looks like everything is cleared up lol

"I am the supervisor and I have personally reviewed your case. As you saw on the previous message that was sent to you, the system credited the accounts following our company policies and tournament rules. If you like to further review our tournament rules please visit the link below:


We really appreciate your participation at our games and as a sigh of our gratitude we have credited your account with 25 bonus dollars.

Please let us know if you need any further assistance.
Best regards,


Customer Service Department"

[/ QUOTE ]

<Channeling George Carlin>

We Specialize in Customer Service. *thrust*

Malone Brown
05-01-2005, 02:16 PM
Guess is makes no difference, I lost to him anyway. Thanks all for the advice.

05-01-2005, 04:56 PM
We really appreciate your participation at our games and as a sigh of our gratitude we have credited your account with 25 bonus dollars.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's almost insulting. They just don't get it, do they....

Sorry the match didn't go better. Considering the way Phil ripped through well known pros in a recent head's up tournament, you're in good company. That would have been a very tough win.

Malone Brown
05-01-2005, 05:18 PM
Ya, I found it pretty insulting as well. I pay thousands in rake a month and to get me to stay, they offer $25 bonus dollars. Gimme a break