View Full Version : Cheat Sheets

04-28-2005, 08:55 PM
In response to a post in the home poker section regarding cheat sheets. I was just thinking what if I brought a cheat sheet that had the hand rankings (flush beats straight) would that help my table image at all? You would be look at by many as a beginner and this might give you another edge, just my 2 cents. Thoughts??

Richie Rich
04-28-2005, 09:04 PM
What kind of player are you? TAG, LAG, somewhere in between? Unless you played loose to the nth degree, I don't think a cheat-sheet-so-I-look-dumb would actually help you.

Sounds like you play lower stakes because few players, if anyone, would believe that you play that "dumb" at a mid-stakes table or higher. And it's pretty hard to push people off their hands at a lower stakes table, even if you seem "dumb".

04-28-2005, 09:43 PM
This type of ploy is going to be fairly useless against all but the most idiotic players, whom you shouldn't need any ploys against anyway. When you play 20% of your hands, come out raising with your big pairs and AK, rarely call the flop without a monster, anyone whom you've temporarily fooled with your ploy will quickly figure it out. Also, if you cap your cards, look at them properly, act in proper turn, etc etc all the procedural things that experienced players do, your ploy will again be quite useless.

Just play your game.


04-28-2005, 09:45 PM
and don't forget, once you do a chip trick, the jig is up, MISTER!

