View Full Version : Do cards read in home games?

11-13-2002, 06:05 PM
I play in numerous home games and the biggest complaint that I have is in regards to whether cards read or whether the principle of "once your out your out" applies. For example, in cards read - some jicky-jack who got out 10 minutes ago can call his neighbors hand to his left when he misses his straight to beat my three of a kind. (I understand this ratioanl must exist in casino poker), however I prefer home games which do not allow a player to call anyone's hand but their own.

How do other group's apply this rule?

My problem with cards read is the inconsistency of it as it applies to a home game. For instance, missed hands are not always caught by others at the table. If I had my way, if your not smart enough to call your best hand, your not worthy of taking the pot.

Does anyone else have this problem in their home games?

11-13-2002, 06:17 PM
We always play cards read. If someone misses a pot because everybody misses a hand so be it

11-13-2002, 07:04 PM
The only way to play poker is cards read, every other way is wrong!
If you misread your hand and I like you, I will tell you what you really have. If you misread your hand and I don't like you or am going against you, I will not tell you what you really have and you better hope someone at the table catches your mistake.

As Jerry always says, there are 3 type of people in this world, those who know how to count and those that don't.

11-13-2002, 07:52 PM
Jerry your ignorance never fails to amaze me. Do you read your posts? Your argument for always having cards read shows the flaw in the cards read rule. The guy who always catches the mistake only calls the mistake out when he feels like it? What kind of rational is that?

If your a big enough boy to play in a home game, have the intelligence to call your own hand and only your hand, let other people miss their hands if they are not smart enough to read cards.

Easy E
11-13-2002, 11:49 PM
If the intention is bludgeon/kill/pillage, then letting people make hand-reading mistakes may be the way to go.

If your game is lower-key, more friendly, whatever, then the hard feelings may not be worth it (and could break up the game eventually through attrition)...
... and you know what Mike Caro says about the gain from a friendly image is...

We use cards speak, and often help others out with hints pre- and post- river, especially late at night (well, early in morning), because to extract every thin dime out of what is generally a group of friends is not as important to the group. To screw that kinetic relationship up over pure greed is not the way to go in our game.... and others like it. Besides, enough of the idiots misread their hands regularly (staying in and raising when they shouldn't) that the friendly atmosphere means more profit anyway.

If your game is more of a survival of the fittest concept, you might want to take advantage of hand reading mistakes more strongly... just be prepared for harder feelings about it. A lot of home games are less about max profit and more of entertainment, anyway

11-14-2002, 08:25 AM
We also play cards speak. It's the best way. It's also easier when playing hi/low omaha for example. It's not always easy to see the best hi and the best low.

11-14-2002, 05:34 PM
We play that the cards speak, which has kept the peace for almost a year now. Nothing can destroy a game quicker than controversy.

11-17-2002, 05:11 AM
i agree i thik cards should speak for themselves i live in ohio thats all we have is home games around here and thats they way they play about everywere,ive been to a cuple games that i didnot leave the room for 2 days after awhile the cards start to look they same