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04-15-2005, 04:29 PM
9.crazy liberal
10. crazy redneck

Alright no using those words.LETS TALK ABOUT POLITICS!

Broken Glass Can
04-15-2005, 04:43 PM
The American people were so smart to re-elect President George W. Bush, a man of true character.

A true statement that meets your requirements.


04-15-2005, 04:46 PM
The American people were so dumb to re-elect President George W. Bush, a true fascist.

[/ QUOTE ]

Good post.

04-15-2005, 04:49 PM
The American people were so dumb to re-elect President George W. Bush, a true fascist.

[/ QUOTE ]

Good post.

[/ QUOTE ]
hmm technically this does meet my requirements...CONGRATULATIONS.Im sure soemone can come up with much better sarcastic posts that meet my requirements(now that I think about)meh the point is lost anyway GO FOR IT!

04-15-2005, 04:53 PM
The American people were so dumb to re-elect President George W. Bush, a true fascist.

[/ QUOTE ]

Good post.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is actually an interesting post and I'm interested in your thoughts on the following.

I'm not a fan of this administration. But I don't think GWB is a bad guy. I don't personally think he's a "fascist", or a "nazi", or some of the other terrible things that people say about him.

Do you really think he is a "bad" man?

04-15-2005, 04:57 PM
The American people were so dumb to re-elect President George W. Bush, a true fascist.

[/ QUOTE ]

Good post.

[/ QUOTE ]
This is actually an interesting post and I'm interested in your thoughts on the following.

I'm not a fan of this administration. But I don't think GWB is a bad guy. I don't personally think he's a "fascist", or a "nazi", or some of the other terrible things that people say about him.

Do you really think he is a "bad" man?

[/ QUOTE ]Personally i dont believe in bad men and good men.I dontthink it is black and white.I think most men are grey.I think that George W. Bush is not a very creative person,I think he is lazy and was raised a rich massachusetts kid.I do not know if this makes him bad.I think he means well.

04-15-2005, 05:04 PM
I think once a month or so, our elected leaders at all levels should be forced to face the people they are supposed to serve. They would have to debate the issues (like they do in England) off the cuff. If there was a moderator, they wouldn't allow our representatives to evade the question.

Furthermore, there's room for a lie detector in there somewhere.

Imagine if all politicians were forced to face the public and the public had a way to see, in realtime, if they're being honest.

I know I'm just a dreamer, but the idea excites me.

I think I passed your challenge!

04-15-2005, 05:08 PM

Do you really think he is a "bad" man?

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes. I don't think that he is really a Nazi, but some of his decisions have been fascist in nature, and I don't think that he is a good person.

Broken Glass Can
04-15-2005, 05:13 PM

Do you really think he is a "bad" man?

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes. I don't think that he is really a Nazi, but some of his decisions have been fascist in nature, and I don't think that he is a good person.

[/ QUOTE ]

That is not the type of question to ask Dead if you want to learn much. He is down on everyone and everything, just more so about the conservative side.

The better question is: Name the good people among the last 10 Presidents we have had? Can you name even one?

04-15-2005, 05:16 PM

Do you really think he is a "bad" man?

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes. I don't think that he is really a Nazi, but some of his decisions have been fascist in nature, and I don't think that he is a good person.

[/ QUOTE ]

That is not the type of question to ask Dead if you want to learn much. He is down on everyone and everything, just more so about the conservative side.

The better question is: Name the good people among the last 10 Presidents we have had? Can you name even one?

[/ QUOTE ]

Carter. He took a lot of heat for the hostage situation and the poor economic situation, but he was a moral man, and he has been a spectacular role model since losing the election in 1980. He even won a Nobel Peace Prize.

Broken Glass Can
04-15-2005, 05:20 PM
Before I laugh at your choice, let me ask: Are you sure that none of the other 9 guys were "good" men?

04-15-2005, 05:21 PM
I think that some of them could have been good men, but some of them made incredible mistakes:

Johnson, Nixon, Reagan, and Bush come to mind.

04-15-2005, 05:31 PM

Do you really think he is a "bad" man?

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes. I don't think that he is really a Nazi, but some of his decisions have been fascist in nature, and I don't think that he is a good person.

[/ QUOTE ]

That is not the type of question to ask Dead if you want to learn much. He is down on everyone and everything, just more so about the conservative side.

The better question is: Name the good people among the last 10 Presidents we have had? Can you name even one?

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't really understand the question. I think starting with LBJ all of them were "good men", as one might define that phrase, with the exception of Nixon and Clinton. They may have been successes or failures as president, but that's not the issue.

Oh wait, I see, you're asking Dead to answer the question. I get it. Wow. I actually understand where you are coming from. This is a first indeed.

04-15-2005, 05:37 PM
"all of them were "good men", as one might define that phrase," Very few people would agree how to define that phrase. Matter of fact, its so ambiguous to be almost meaningless.

Furthermore... the partisans (and clearly Broken glass AND Dead) are going to view any person offered through their own colored glasses.

The fact that Glass Can (is that his name? To lazy to look back) laughed at the idea that Carter was a 'good man' pretty shows he won't have an ounce of impartiality, IMO.

If you want to have a good discussion... shut out the partisans and let the moderates/independents duke it out. None of the partisans are going to offer anything openminded or impartial.

Broken Glass Can
04-15-2005, 05:50 PM
Oh wait, I see, you're asking Dead to answer the question. I get it. Wow. I actually understand where you are coming from. This is a first indeed.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is the first step in your recovery. /images/graemlins/wink.gif

Broken Glass Can
04-15-2005, 05:58 PM
The fact that Glass Can (is that his name? To lazy to look back) laughed at the idea that Carter was a 'good man' pretty shows he won't have an ounce of impartiality, IMO.

[/ QUOTE ]

Carter has been discussed a lot here, look it up. He was incompetent clearly. I can't look into his soul, but nothing suggests that he is any more a "good" man than the others.

His recent campaign to win the Nobel was just pathetic, he attacked his own country to make nice with a foreign awards committee.

04-15-2005, 06:00 PM
To be fair... you come across as one of the more fervently partisan posters on the board from the right. I don't know that you criticizing Dead has a lot of validity... you are opposite partisan extremes.

Broken Glass Can
04-15-2005, 06:11 PM
To be fair... you come across as one of the more fervently partisan posters on the board from the right. I don't know that you criticizing Dead has a lot of validity... you are opposite partisan extremes.

[/ QUOTE ]

I like Dead, but I know the dim view he has of all politicians. I was crushed when he indicated that he fell for the Carter deception. /images/graemlins/frown.gif

What has the world come to? /images/graemlins/grin.gif

04-15-2005, 06:38 PM
I'm not aware of your earlier threads about Carter. But I will say... I used to frequent a political forum on Yahoo. I've heard plenty of Republicans, Conservatives.. and let's face it, Democrats, criticize Carter for his presidency.

You might be the only person I've heard ever question if he was a good man. Nor have I heard anyone do anything but applaud his efforts since his presidency.

04-15-2005, 06:59 PM
You are being foolish.

Carter has been a fantastic ex-president.

04-15-2005, 07:00 PM
And to you, Kurto, that part about me viewing all politicians through liberal colored glasses just isn't true.

I have criticized Clinton a lot on here, as well as FDR.

Broken Glass Can
04-15-2005, 07:14 PM
I'm not aware of your earlier threads about Carter.

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually, the best posts about Carter have been done by others here, probably by MMMMMM but I don't remember.

And Dead, can you honestly say that Carter has not been campaigning for the Peace Prize for the past 15 years? What kind of man does that unless he has a huge and warped ego?

04-15-2005, 07:17 PM
What does the size of his ego matter?

That doesn't negate the fact that he has done a lot of good since leaving the White House. Don't look a gift horse in hte mouth.

04-15-2005, 09:33 PM
I'm not really trying to single you out. I'm just saying in relation to BGC, the two of you are coming from opposite ends of the spectrum and are going to see any issue from differnt filters. We are all guilty of this.

With that being said, I tend to think the left is a lot more openminded and openly critical of their representatives then the right. I found the left were pretty openly critical of Clinton. For that matter, much of the left was never particularly happy with Kerry. (I was never excited about him.) Furthermore, many on the left openly endorse moderate Republican candidates like McCain.

I would argue one of the reasons that Democrats don't fare as well is because they aren't as homogenous a group and have a lot more internal dissent... where I find so many on the right, like Jax, who you can find parroting verbatim every talking point/party line.

This is of course a generalization, but I find it to be fairly consistant.

I only singled you out because the two of you were the opposites in the thread.

04-15-2005, 09:37 PM
I do tend to critize Dem reps if they get out of line.

That being said, I thought Kerry was a fantastic candidate, and I think that he is a great person, even though he lost. He wasn't a centrist, even though Nader tried to paint him as one.

Kerry was a very liberal candidate.

04-15-2005, 09:37 PM
I find it weird that the right, who pretends to have a monopoly on morality... is so cynical that a man like Carter could be genuinely interested in doing good.

There actually are people who, given the means, would like to spend their times doing noble acts.

It seems odd that a man spends 15 years working towards peace in trouble spots... and your first thought is to say he must have a huge ego?!?

04-15-2005, 10:17 PM
I'll probably be hissed for this... but I liked Gore. I always appreciated that he seemed to approach things intellectually. He also had a history of working for your average joe.

Those I was never a "Deaniac", I also think he had a spirit and passion so missing in our candidates these days. I think it says something sad about our culture that his campaign was destroyed because he made an awkward noise.

I thought Kerry's past was more impressive then his performance in the election. I thought he wussed out on the gay marriage issue. He didn't strongly counter the right trashing his past. And he allowed Bush's team to keep the debate focused on the only area Bush consistantly beat him in. He wasn't particularly a magnetic personality.

I have no doubts he would be better for America then Bush. But he was far from an ideal candidate. IMO of course.

04-15-2005, 10:25 PM
I thought that Deaniac had a magnetic personality, but that he was too centrist. I agreed with him on the gun issue, but let's face facts: he cut poor people off the Medicaid rolls in Vermont to give tax cuts to the rich. He was the Cato Institute's favorite Democrat: fiscally conservative and socially liberal.

04-15-2005, 10:32 PM
I took one of those tests where after answering a quiz it told you which candidate was best for you.... I believe his name was Kucinich? It was some liberal from PA? He didn't have enough of a national identity to have a chance, but apparently he was a very principled politician.

I have little hope that with the nature of our system, the best candidates have any chance in hell of winning.

"He was the Cato Institute's favorite Democrat: fiscally conservative and socially liberal." Sounds good to me.

04-15-2005, 10:41 PM
Lol you don't know Kucinich? Kucinich is a Democratic congressman from Ohio. I matched up best with Kerry, with Kucinich being a close second.

And fiscally conservative and socially liberal sounds good to you? And you liked Kucinich? Kucinich was much more fiscally libreal than Dean. He cared about PEOPLE, not corporations. He wasn't in the pocket of them like Dean seems to be. He didn't give a [censored] about his image. He said what he believed.

Maybe you should google the Cato Institute. It is a radical libertarian organization that supports a federal government reduction of 90%.

I would like it if someone like Sen. Feingold ran in 2008. A true liberal.

You know that 19 Democrats or so voted for this recent bankruptcy bill? They care more about credit card company profits than they do about people. Makes me sick inside.

04-15-2005, 10:52 PM
Thats an opinion, not a factual statement.

04-16-2005, 01:14 AM
If he was a fascist, you would be dead...

04-16-2005, 01:19 AM
I am Dead.

What now?

04-16-2005, 03:38 AM
"Lol you don't know Kucinich? Kucinich is a Democratic congressman from Ohio." When I started to hear about him was right around the time when he was losing. What I read about him I liked.

" Kucinich was much more fiscally libreal than Dean. He cared about PEOPLE, not corporations." I don't know if we mean the same thing when we say fiscally conservative. I think corporations have WAAAYYYYY to much influence over our government and not enough oversight. By fiscally conservative, I mean being fiscally responsible, reduce deficit spending, reduce trade deficits.

"He wasn't in the pocket of them like Dean seems to be. He didn't give a [censored] about his image. He said what he believed." That's what I heard. Unfortunately the traits that made him great are why he would never make it. Not with serious reform in the system.

"Maybe you should google the Cato Institute. It is a radical libertarian organization that supports a federal government reduction of 90%." I'll try to check it out. I wish the Republicans were more Libertarian. I like a lot of libertarian stands on issues.

"You know that 19 Democrats or so voted for this recent bankruptcy bill? They care more about credit card company profits than they do about people. Makes me sick inside." I'm a cynic. Until people are completely f**ked, they're be apathetic and ignore what our government does. of course by the time they wake up, it may be too late.

04-16-2005, 03:49 AM
GWB is a monkey boy who's handlers lead him forth by the dick.

Good enough for you?


04-16-2005, 03:51 AM
I agree with the Libertarians on these issues:

drug war
abortion rights
gay marriage
free speech
gun rights

I am not too fond of the rest.

Broken Glass Can
04-16-2005, 06:24 AM
I agree with the Libertarians on these issues:

drug war
abortion rights
gay marriage
free speech
gun rights

I am not too fond of the rest.

[/ QUOTE ]

Libertarians (to generalize) are liberal on social issues and conservative on fiscal issues. So all you have said here is "I am a liberal."

I also agree with a lot of libertarian positions, can you guess which part of their platform? /images/graemlins/grin.gif

04-16-2005, 02:12 PM
That's funny. I didn't know that supporting gun rights was a standard liberal plank.