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View Full Version : Pokertracker won't open

04-14-2005, 12:25 PM
Getting error message "ODBC Microsoft Access Driver Login Failed" - "Not a valid Password". This all started when the database wouldn't compact. I tried to repair it using administrative tools and at first it said the db was already being used exclusively by user 'admin' - it definitely wasn't open at the time. I had previously enabled the folder for sharing on a home network so I could try to use the db from my laptop (never got that to qwork either) so I went and unchecked the file sharing part of the folder and now it won't open at all - just the above message. Any help appreciated!


04-15-2005, 04:19 AM
Pat walked me through this a few months ago. There's a process of going into windows to work it all out. Pat's godly at helping his customers. Just send him an e-mail and he'll walk you through it.