View Full Version : Help me complete the con

04-14-2005, 02:52 AM
A few months ago, I was sitting in a 10/20 game at Borgata. It was the night before the big blizzard was supposed to sweep through town, so there was a little bit of exciement in the air. That "we're about to go go through a huge storm" excitment. The conversation is flowing pretty well at the table, most likely lubricated by the common ground for disourse--the impending blizzard. A gentleman, probably in his early sixties, nicely dressed in a blue button-down shirt and slacks, sits to my right. We exchange some pleasantries, and when the next dealer takes over and asks for time, I ask the gentleman if he wants to participate in the time pot or not. He isn't familiar with this concept, so I explain it.

A few rounds later, a woman, presumably the gentleman's wife, comes by the table. She had done quite well in the slots tournament, and had come down to the poker room to give the cash to her husband in case he needed it. He didnt't need it at the moment, as he had about $450 on the table in front of him, and is up a bit for the session.

The gentleman opens his wallet to put away the cash. Before he snaps it shut and puts it away again, I catch a glimpse of an "American Bar Association" membership card.

Twenty minutes or so pass. I, being a big snowstorm afficianado and still experiencing some of the excitement and anticipation I used to when in school and hoping for a snow day, am in a pretty happy, perhaps a tiny tiny bit manic mood.

So, mostly out of character, I decide to have a bit of fun with the guy to my right.

"Excuse me sir, I hope this isn't an intruding question--but you don't happen to be an attorney, do you?"

Obviously taken aback and somewhat startled, the man laughs a bit and says "yes, I am!"

For just a moment I furrow my brow in contemplation, hopefully expressing a "wow, what do you know? I was right!" kind of vibe.

He laughs again and said "is it that obvious?"

I responded "no, I don't think so, I'm not even sure why I thought it or why I asked. Maybe the way you're dressed? (laugh) No, I don't think so--there are a hundred guys in here dressed like that. I just had a feeling I guess." {shrugh}

The gentleman shakes his head and chuckles.

I felt it was over at that point, I had my bit of fun and that was it. But a few minutes later, the gentleman remarks, "I just can't think of why you would have thought that." I simply say "I'm not sure," and smile.

At this point, the gentleman is on the hook. For the remainder of the time we were both seated, he continued to engage me in conversation, and seemed completely wrapped up in the interaction. I had been drinking a bit over this time and was tolerating the small talk quite well. About an hour and a half later, I decide it's time to rack up and head back to the room with my girlfriend to take a break, including paying way too much for the in-room viewing of Team America: World Police.

Here's where you come in (not to my hotel room--to the attorney-guy scenario). The encounter and little trick I pulled themselves aren't remarkable or worthy of recounting. What was so interesting to me was the facility with which I gained his confidence and, in my estimation, a resaonble level of trust. Perhaps having watched The Talented Mr. Ripley a bit too recently, I felt like this interaction was the perfect set-up for a con. Most likely involving less gay sex and murder.

Now, say you're me. Or, you're you. Either way, you've just had this exact encounter with this gentleman. Only this time, you decide you want to use the equity you've built up in the situation and capture some of the value by pulling off an honest-to-goodness con. You decide the goal--is it just relieving him of the contents of his wallet? Is it being written into his will, as the sole heir? Or is it murdering him, sewing a suit made of his skin, wearing it and assuming his identity? And, most importantly, what is your plan for accomplishing the goal, given the set-up?

Whether very detailed or very sketchy, I would get a kick out of hearing some ideas.

04-14-2005, 09:54 AM
If I were me, I would talk him into giving me a job for his lawfirm.


04-14-2005, 10:30 AM
I'd bluff him out of a big pot.

"I know what you have."

04-14-2005, 10:34 AM
This thread is obviously worthless without pics.