View Full Version : Pot Limit Omaha High Hand...Facing Aggression on The Turn

10-28-2002, 02:42 AM
Playing Pot Limit Omaha Hi online...1-2 blinds. I have a large stack for the game (about 400) and have everyone covered. Two limpers to me for 2 bucks each, I have 5cAdJc4d. I bump it to $4 just to build a pot if I make something with my two way draw. The button calls $4. SB folds, and BB calls. 5 see the flop of 4c 4h 3d. Check to me, I bet $16 (almost the pot). Only the BB calls...only 33 or 43 beat me. More likely I put him on trips with a lesser kicker. Anyway, the turn comes the 2d to give me the wheel (though not the nuts, this is pretty nice I think). Anyway, BB surprises me by leading right into me, betting out $32. I call. Anyone make a big raise? I thought this weird bet meant either he boated or somehow had the nut straight or or?? Anyway, the river comes Qh. He checks?? You gonna check or bet here? The results and what I did to follow, and comments on all streets appreciated.


10-28-2002, 02:23 PM
I would guess that your opponent held one of the following:

I would not bet the river here. Your hand just isn't strong enough in Omaha. There is only 1 hand that you chop on the river, although you may be able to push him off of the straight with a big bet.

Just My Thoughts,

10-29-2002, 12:26 PM
It's difficult to give exploitative advice without player typing. If you want solid play advice, then don't raise with junk.

Online if the table is passive, by all means up the stakes, but wait until you have a tight(ish) image and you know who is liable to bluff you/call you/slow play you.

Flop 443 - you lead out and get called by the BB.

I would expect he had A4 or 567 or 43 or maybe 4 random if he's really loose. He has something he thinks can beat aces.

Would this player call your raise with anything? If so then he can also have 4 - random.

Then you make a straight:
He leads into you.
My guess is that he made a higher straight: 567 or something. Absurd but true. Most of the random online players check-raise here with a house.

I fold, cos he'll probably put me on AA if I raise or call. If you have enough chips and anticipate payment if you hit your hand, or if your opponent bluffed all the time when he thinks you can't have hit the flop, you could call, but I prefer to wait for a better spot.

Let me wait to raise him until I have a house. I'll just mop up this guy's chips with no risk.

10-29-2002, 01:19 PM
Well I put him on flush draw with trip 4's you have him beat.
.However this statement only holds true if his wild and not a good player however.
Also raising that hand preflop is stupid period.dont justify bad poker plays by saying you were building a pot
with a hand that isnt a raising hand in the first place. i guess u were tired cuz pros dont do that my friend.

10-29-2002, 02:29 PM
About the raise preflop, I agree it's debatable, but hear me out. The blind bet was two bucks, I was killing this game and bumped it 2 dollars so if I hit my hand I could bet enough to protect it. We're talking about 2 dollars. Also, if you only raise with the standard raising hands in Omaha, you will KILL your action, esp. against observant opponents. I will often make small raises preflop with many different types of hands. Obviously, if I get played back at I fold.


10-29-2002, 02:34 PM
I checked behind on the end though I was tempted to bet. My opponent showed 564K with the king suited for a higher straight on the turn. I don't think folding on the turn is correct however....I may be ahead, and if not I have 9 outs to hit a higher boat. I think the river check is right, but I may have been able to play him off the hand with a pot sized bet. Didn't have it in me though. Thanks for all comments.


10-29-2002, 07:35 PM
I have to say you played the hand fine but betting the pot on river to scare him off is almost never the correct move. He bet 32 on turn his not gonna give up this hand..not that many have the discpline to fold after a turn bet like that. Also I NOW understand your preflop raise and it is fun its just the people i play against online are beyond morons and are about as observant of the game as a monkey watching a solar eclpise

11-06-2002, 12:16 PM
I also like a little raise preflop with less than premium holdings when playing PL online. The check-to-the-raiser syndrome is often in effect and you can check the flop through if you desire.