View Full Version : Omaha PL Question (Greg, Mason, Ignatius and ANYone else!)

10-21-2002, 08:15 PM
Due to the nature of most players rarely giving anyone a price to DRAW at a hand, ie flush, straight draw,are not a atsrting hand where you can flop a set FAR, FAR better like QQJK, JJQ10, KKJQ, than 4 in a row hands EVEN if they are suited?

In other words, because the set will likely make the 'big bet' on the flop and the "Draw" generally is only @ even money to make the draw (unless he has a flush AND straight)it seems rarely the Draw is getting the correct price to make the call. The set should pot it (and get @ 4to 1) for a redraw IF the flush, straight is apparent on the turn, pot it again on the turn if the set is still good on the turn. Don't "underpot" it and give him the right price.

Comments please, and thank you very much

Greg (FossilMan)
10-21-2002, 09:15 PM
You can flop a straight draw that is MUCH bigger than just an 8-outer, for one thing. You can have as many as 20 outs for just a straight draw, without any flush outs at all.

Second, you have to take into account the money you can win after you make your hand. If the flop comes AQ5, and I have AA in hand, how much will I pay you off when the turn is a 2 to your 2346 holding? If I'll pay you off enough, then it really doesn't matter that you were only getting 2:1 on your flop call, because you'll get 3 more and then some later.

And, if I fold when you make your straight, you will beat me like a drum. Why? Because how will I know which card that made a straight possible really made a straight for you? If I fold everytime I no longer have the nuts and you bet, I'll be folding the best hand so often there is no way I can beat you long-term.

Later, Greg Raymer (FossilMan)

Ray Zee
10-21-2002, 09:26 PM
Karen, you are of course correct but this is too simple. many times the draw is less than a 2 to 1 dog per card. so you cant "not give him the correct odds". also the draw always gets some implied pot odds from the set. so i will take either hand against either hand if i have position. and moreover, the real good players win much of their money beating the fairly good players with sets.