View Full Version : Improving my post-flop play?

03-28-2005, 10:17 PM
I bought in for like $50 on Pacific Poker about a month ago. I doubled that up and put $50 on Full Tilt and kept $50 on Pacific. I then got up to like 150 on both PP and FT, but since have gone down to like 130 and lost all of the FT money. I know my problem has to be post-flop play, because I am seeing probably 30% of flops or less. Any sugguestions?

I've read WLLH, HEPFAP, and I'm reading Harrington on Hold 'Em now.

03-28-2005, 10:30 PM
Post hands and read other hands in the appropriate poker strategy forums.

03-29-2005, 12:40 AM
Examine all aspects of your play. Don't just focus on postflop because you "know" that's where your weakness is. That's where everyone's weakness is, in some form or another.

Study books that are relevant to your game. WLLH, HEPFAP, and HoH all focus on different types of HE games. They're all great reads, but be careful when transferring concepts from those books to games that they don't specifically focus on (especially HEPFAP, unless you're playing 25-50 with your one BB bankroll).

03-29-2005, 09:37 AM
I'm not a refined player by any means. Is merely reading and rereading books such as WLLHE and HoH enough to start working towards patching some of these leaks?

03-29-2005, 11:03 AM
I'm not a refined player by any means. Is merely reading and rereading books such as WLLHE and HoH enough to start working towards patching some of these leaks?

[/ QUOTE ]

It's a start, but probably not enough. You really need to start posting some hands and/or find another player (preferably one quite a bit better than you if possible) and start talking strategy. The concepts in books like HEFAP are not easy to understand. Every time I re-read SSHE or ToP or HEFAP I seem to pick up a new concept or refine my game in some way. After 6+ times you would think that would stop happening . . . but it hasn't.

Also, you may want to consider specializing a little bit. It sounds like you've dabbled in both limit and no limit play. Which do you think is more suitable for your style? Pick it an focus on it until you feel like you've improved a lot. Then maybe switch back to the other for a while. I really like being good at more than one game, but you probably shouldn't try to learn them all at once until you have a solid foundation.

03-29-2005, 05:04 PM
To be honest, I prefer to play the Limit games, but I have had some fairly good success at SNG and MTT's. I have read both WLLHE and HoH, so it's not like I'm playing one game with much more experience over the other.

The only live games me and my friends play, however, are SNG tournaments.