View Full Version : 50,000 hand check-up Part 2 (hand groupings)

03-28-2005, 06:25 AM
In this 2nd post, I'd like to examine my hand groupings seperately as well as a few problem hands. You can check out my first post here (http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showthreaded.php?Cat=&Number=2020521&page=0&view=e xpanded&sb=5&o=14&fpart=&vc=#Post2020521). Although 50K is still a relatively small sample size, I think I have enough data for individual results to be somewhat normalized. Please give any feedback you might have. The questions that I ask are there to take you through my thought process. But, I guess there good places to provide answers too.

Offsuit Broadway

This is one hand grouping I feel I play fairly well. I'm comfortable in my play pre and post-flop. Obviously KJo sucks. I will address this one below as I present it in more detail. I probably cold-call AQo too much. IMO I should 3-bet or fold it more often.

This group I'm comfortable with my play here too. Since most of these hands are at 2/4, I feel I've been a bit too tight with them. Thoughts on any of the numbers? Those of you with higher VPIP's I wonder how your BB/hand's compare.

This is where things start to look bad. JTs and T9s are getting destroyed. You can see more detail w/ JTs below. Also, my VPIP difference between JTs vs. JTo is 72.6 vs. 18.0. Am I too loose/not loose enough with suited connectors? Or, do the pre-flop numbers look ok and chances are I'm really misplaying them postflop? Are my sample sizes possibly too small because of the big variance involved with these suited connectors? How do the showdown numbers look?

I also think I have a big leak with a lot of my pocket pairs, specifically 88, QQ, and JJ. I'll discuss 88 a bit later.

My basic problem with KK-88 is that I never want to fold these hands as an overpair or with one overcard. I think my WtSD % for QQ and JJ is too high, especially looking at how they compare with AA. Because of whatever psychological forces are in play, I obviously feel a lot more comfortable releasing TT and 99 though.

How do your numbers compare for these pockets? Is my VPIP high enough with 66-22? How are you able to lay QQ and JJ down with one overcard without being too weak-tight? I'm not very comfortable playing these 2 pairs specifically and know they're a definite area for improvement.

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y59/thebeachbum/50K_KJo.jpg I don't dislike my pre-flop numbers with KJo. I've never cold-called it. I've never played it UTG or UTG+1. Half the time I play it I raise with it. Am I too loose or too LAGGY with it? Obviously I'm getting crushed on the button here. Am I being too loose postflop and showing down dominated top pair-good kicker hands?

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y59/thebeachbum/50K_88.jpg This hand is another nightmare. I definitely don't feel comfortable playing this hand because I feel it's at such a transition point between being played aggressively as a hand worthy of showing down unimproved, or played mainly for set value. It often has 2 overcards on board by the turn, but sometimes one of them is only a 9 or Ten. I don't have many answers here, I feel lost. Please help.

http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y59/thebeachbum/50K_JTs.jpg Last but not least, JTs. My analyzing of this hand could also extend to T9s which has similar numbers. Am I not raising this hand enough pre-flop, or too much from late position? Am I showing it down too much? Is my VPIP too high overall?

03-28-2005, 04:11 PM
It [88] often has 2 overcards on board by the turn, but sometimes one of them is only a 9 or Ten.

[/ QUOTE ]

Even if the overcard is "only" a 9 or a T, you still are drawing to 2 outs if your opponent has a pair of 9s or 10s.

03-28-2005, 04:15 PM
Hand JTs Times 168.

come back in a shitload more hands. I bet you're +EV with JTs

03-28-2005, 06:02 PM
I've also made some bonehead plays with this hand (JTs). I remember a couple stupid misclicks and other times I should have folded instead of raised, etc. It still is a big red blip on my radar and one of the good places for me to focus on first.