View Full Version : Suggest a good wireless mouse for me.

03-25-2005, 03:34 AM
In the last 2 weeks since I got my new laptop, I have gone through two wireless mice (mouses). The standard Logitech mouse (broke the adaptor), and a Targus Bluetooth mouse (battery life is approximately 2 days... with good batteries).
I am looking for a mouse with either a very tiny USB Adaptor, or bluetooth (the bluetooth adaptor on the Targus still works fine). I want the mouse to have decent battery time and to be of medium build. I don't like tiny ones.

Anyone have any suggestions?

03-25-2005, 03:49 AM
Logitech MX900 Bluetooth. Pick me up one too, it's a great mouse.

03-25-2005, 03:51 AM
I just got a microsoft intellipoint and like it, it has all the features you're asking for. Battery life is something like 6 months, medium build, for around 39.99. You could probably find it cheaper if you tried.

03-25-2005, 04:04 AM
here (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B00004VUGJ/qid=1111737847/sr=8-7/ref=pd_csp_7/102-1306706-9197731?v=glance&s=pc&n=507846)