View Full Version : 15/30 Blind defense numbers

03-23-2005, 12:41 PM
I know they don't mean anything, and i'm not going to change my playbecause of the numbers, i really am just curious as to what sort of BB/100 stats people have from the BB and SB.

Not per hand, or discussing the loose vs tight schools of blind defense, just what some respected posters stats are from these two positions, any game would be great, 15/30 at party would be extra great.

Thanks in advance,

04-29-2005, 07:48 PM
15/30 Party

Overall VPIP = 23%

SB: 538 hands, 46.5% VPIP, -13.6 BB/100
BB: 531 hands, 36.7% VPIP, -12.7 BB/100

the BB/100 #'s include the blinds.

My 15/30 (and ths 2/3 blind structure) experience is precisely 1 month, hence the small sample size. I think I'm doing OK, however, interested in others experience / comments.

For reference, always folding blinds is (obviously):
SB: -33.3 BB/100
BB: -50 BB/100

Hence, my thinking that I'm doin' OK.