View Full Version : oK I'll ask it one more time ...

10-09-2002, 08:14 PM
What is the most trustable and " easy to understand " place on the internet to bet on sport
? Thanx in advance for any answer

10-09-2002, 08:40 PM
Several easy to use and long-standing websites include intertops.com and bowmans .. There are about a million different sites out there, so I recommend one of the bigger ones..

10-09-2002, 09:21 PM
i use wsex.
easy to understand, and easy transfer of cash from poker account to sportsbook. i bet small though.

one opinion.
good luck.

10-10-2002, 01:38 AM
What a badly worded question. That is like asking what is the best casino in Las Vegas. Truth is most of them are trustworthy, but I don't think any of them could be 100% safe just because of the legal environments they work in. What if a rebel coup took over Antigua and declared they were nationalizing the banks and no US dollars would be allowed out? Seems ridiculous, but Margarita Island was thought to be an excellent place for books until Hugo Chavez came in and raised hell. Now Margarita's books all have slipped out of the country and set up shop elsewhere. Aces Gold was respected and thought well of and located in what was claimed to be a safe jurisdiction in Curacao...where they even have some semblance of a gaming commission. Didn't do it much good when they went under. Point is that nothing is the most trustworthy as you say it. There are some like WSEX, WWTS, CRIS, NASA...all thought to be huge operations with no chance of going under, but nothing is certain in this arena. US Justice Department could get cozy with a foreign government and freeze their bank accounts claiming they are run by terrorists or some other ridiculous story and then you are screwed as well. Best thing to do is spread your money around and never leave an amount in there that you would be a mental basket case if you lost it.