View Full Version : Proffesional Dealing in a Casino Tournament

03-15-2005, 09:24 AM
1. How often do they count all 52 cards?
2. How often do they change the deck?
3. Do they shuffle the cards buy placing them face down on the table and just rubing them everywhere before they riffle shuffle, or is that just out of choice?
4. Do they collect in the blinds before they deal, by this i mean pull the blinds in towards them, then deal out the cards?

any answers would be highly appreciated


03-15-2005, 12:28 PM
I see you xposted this in B&M... good idea.

You may have seen this mentioned recently but here's the 2+2 book (http://www.twoplustwo.com/books.html#The%20Professional%20Poker%20Dealer's%2 0Handbook).

Also, here's a recent thread (http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=home&Number=1761424&Forum= ,,,,f10,f13,,,,&Words=Dealing&Searchpage=4&Limit=2 5&Main=1761277&Search=true&where=bodysub&Name=&dat erange=1&newerval=1&newertype=y&olderval=&oldertyp e=&bodyprev=#Post1761424) that may be of interest.

- Fins