View Full Version : How bout this PL Razz hand

10-01-2002, 01:53 PM
Home game, $5 dealer ante, I deal Razz for the first time ever. (no bring in, low card opens first round, wheel is nuts)

Ace brings it in for $15. Gets two callers, 7 & 2

Fourth street: A-6, 7-7, 2-10.

I figure the game is over, getting abused by table for dealing crappy game. But wait!!!

A-6 bets $40. Both call!!! FYI, A-6 is a new player to game, but has done nothing outta line. If he bets, he has a hand.

Fifth Street: A-6-K, 7-7-A, 2-10-9.

Low hand bets $125. BTW, he's quite passive, but improving his game. Used to be calling station.

A-6-K raises to $250.

Both players call!!!

Sixth street: A-6-K-2, 7-7-A-10, 2-10-9-4.

Check, Ace goes all in for about $300. 7-7, calls with his last $80, 2-10 calls with $225 all-in.

Seventh street: sorta irrelevant, lead better had 4-5 in the hole for 6 low, 2-10 had an 9 low (paired up twice), 7-7 had a ten low.

Raked in a $1500 pot.

Only problem with this game is you HAVE to get the cards.

A problem, I'm sure, we would all like to have.


10-01-2002, 11:39 PM
Put a tent over this circus.

"Only problem with this game is you have to get the cards"

The only problem with this game is you have to get the cards BEFORE someone else does and bankrupts those who have no idea how to play. It is not very sporting to call a game some of the players have no clue about, but that is a decision you have to make. Just a caution, calling this (and similar) game(s) often might get some players to stop attending.

10-02-2002, 01:22 AM
We play various hi/lo games 90%, so just low is not that foreign to these players.

However, I agree with having to get the cards before bankrupting the players. We buy in for $200 units, and after people drop between $800-1000 they quit. As the players are so awful, this can happen fairly quickly.

Last night three players went belly up within 2 1/2 hours, ending the game. Fortunately, I was up at the time.

Not sure what to do about this. Maybe revert to limit for first three hours, and PL last hour or two.

Any suggestions?


10-02-2002, 10:13 AM
If the players are going to get killed every time, they will stop coming, unless the $ means nothing to them. Playing limit would be a great help, as they can get lucky and win some of the time. Of course, every poker game which does not get new players is in deep trouble, but it might last a lot longer if you play limit.

Playing limit for 2 hours won't help, as they will just have more or less (probably less) to lose at pot-limit, and if they play so loose in PL razz, they will likely lose all of it every time. Razz is about the easiest game to see situations where you should fold, so if they didn't do it there, I doubt they do it in the other games.