View Full Version : Raising standards in NL Tourn.

03-15-2005, 01:02 AM
I'm confused about a section in TPFAP. On pg. 114 & 115, it talks about hands that cant stand reraises like TT or AQ. I generally follow raising guidelines similar to suggestions in Harrington on Hold'em. To me to not raise with a hand like TT and then have to figure out whether the raise behind you was because no one showed strength or because it is a good hand puts you in a worse position than getting reraised. Maybe the book was taliking about tougher tournaments than the online variety but I wonder if anyone here can help me understand this.


03-15-2005, 01:11 AM
He is talking about putting in "fairly big bets pre flop", not standard raises. That is (assuming a 50BB stack), it would be a bad idea to bet say 10BB first in. He is NOT saying don't raise 2-5BB first in with either of these hands.

03-15-2005, 01:12 AM
I think the main difference inn what they are talking about is deep stacks vs shallower online stacks.

03-15-2005, 01:18 AM
OK, thanks. I read it again and he is talking about large raises before the flop. It could be a little clearer though because at the end of the section he says "Yes, a raise with AQ may win the pot instantly..." instead of stating that he is still talking about extra large raises that he was in the beginning of the section.