View Full Version : The Fox News Alert

03-12-2005, 05:11 PM
Most of you have seen the "Fox News Alert,", when those words swoosh across the screen with the loud "DING" on the Fox News Channel to signify that important, breaking news is on the way. Unfortunately, it's quickly become the most overused gimmic in all of cable news. I'll have the TV on at work and I'll see an average of 5 or 6 of these an hour. Some recent drop everything, it's a Fox News Alert! examples:

-Michael Jackson waving from a hospital window.
-The State Department waiting for Condi Rice to arrive for her first day of work.
-That a Fox News poll was released indicating that the President was losing support for his Social Security reform plan.
-J.LO had the runs.
The first three were actual Fox News Alerts. The Fourth will not surprise me when I see it.

They've also gone buck wild with the "Fox News Alert" during this Atlanta Judge shooting. It's like some producer is sitting in the back mashing the "Fox News Alert" button like a Nintendo controller during the 100 meter dash of "Track and Field."

If I were Rupert Murdoch: Hostage situation, plane crash, fine, "Fox News Alert."

Scott Peterson farting...please pass.

I'm officially boycotting Fox during the day for this precise reason. CNN/MSNBC are much more appropriately mellow about reporting events of marginal significance.

03-12-2005, 06:21 PM
I'm officially boycotting Fox during the day for this precise reason. CNN/MSNBC are much more appropriately mellow about reporting events of marginal significance.

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Agreed, Fox is going downhill. Studio B w/ Shep Smith is still top notch and William Krystal is almost as good as Dynasty IMO.

03-12-2005, 07:18 PM
I'm officially boycotting Fox during the day for this precise reason. CNN/MSNBC are much more appropriately mellow about reporting events of marginal significance.

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Agreed, Fox is going downhill. Studio B w/ Shep Smith is still top notch and William Krystal is almost as good as Dynasty IMO.

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Shep Smith annoys me. So does that guy that always fills in for him.

The only Fox News show that I actually enjoy watching is Fox News Sunday, because Chris Wallace is just about the only non-biased anchor on that network.

03-12-2005, 07:39 PM
I find Bill O' Riely enormuosly entertaining. I just can't not watch him when he comes on.

i generally despise his politics, but he does honestly think he's being unbiased, which makes him say the most interesting things, sometimes.

03-12-2005, 07:42 PM
I think he's a sexual harasser and that he is quite scary.

I also am an Al Franken fan and read his book on O'Reilly so I don't have a very high opinion of him.

03-12-2005, 08:46 PM
Fox news is really a mixed bag...and for anyone to assert its unbiased is an absolute joke. The channel certainly has a right leaning orientation but also employs more than a handful of Lefties that can speak their mind and hold their own i.e. Juan Williams comes to mind..

My personal favorite Fox co host is Charles Krauthamer....
Summa cum Laude from McGill in Poli Sci ..masters from Oxford and an MD from Harvard...he also won a pulitzer in the 80's..the guy is really bright whether you agree with his politics or not. Plus he did alot of this stuff after becoming paralyzed from the waist down.

Id say Sean Hannity is one of the wekest hosts they have...the guys a dolt and I usually agree with his politics but his reasoning is pretty sketchy.

03-12-2005, 09:00 PM
Hannity reminds me a lot of you, Zaxx. Just a lot of ad hominems and incoherent rambling. I think that you're honestly an embarrassment to the conservative side.

I agree that Krauthammer is a very smart man, as is George Will. I much prefer reading their columns than I do reading your posts.