View Full Version : PL Omaha8 2/4 blinds PP, going all in with KKxx

09-28-2002, 06:04 PM
I've just start playing pot-limit omaha8 today. Been going good so far, though possibly just through dumb luck.

I have $38. I'm in middle position with KKs33s. Two calls before me. I call. Someone raises the minimum. Three calls. At this point, I'm thinking I have the best hand, that no one has shown serious strength, and that there's a good chance of getting heads-up or having everyone fold if I raise the pot. So I raise the pot. The original raiser re-raises the pot. Everyone else folds, I call. Raiser has AhKh4h5, and scoops.

A few games later, I have AKKc7c in middle position with $88. I raise the pot. Someone raises me back. I raise back. She raises back and I call all in. I split the pot with AAsKQs.

I have the vague suspicion that I'm doing something wrong. What would you have done?

09-28-2002, 09:46 PM
It seems you are overvaluing starting hands. Perhaps it is a holdover from hold 'em, where big pairs are the best. There is an article in the newest Card Player about "High Only" hands in O8. It states:

"Do you know that K-K-Q-J unsuited is a slight underdog to a random hand in heads-up Omaha high-low? If one of the kings is the same suit as the queen or the jack, the hand is about a 51 percent winner vs. a random hand. But note that against three doggy-looking low cards such as 8-6-4 unsuited, the pocket kings high hand is more than a 5 percent underdog! Such is the nature of Omaha high-low."

Here is a link for the whole article:
