View Full Version : best games for the dealer?

09-26-2002, 10:59 PM
I play in a monthly game that usually has 6-8 players (1 astute, 2-3 aware, and 2-4 calling stations, plus me). We play dealer's choice, with the only restriction being that the game must be completed in one hand (no guts games, no kill cards, no jacks-or-better, etc.). We play some 7/27 but we're trying to phase it out. Until I can get everyone more comfortable with it, hold'em doesn't generate very big pots. Our high-low split games are played with a declare, with one more round of bets after the declare.

Does anyone have any suggestions for the best dealer-advantage games?

09-27-2002, 11:16 AM
Hi-Low split with a declare will favor the most skilled players by a long shot. I would never deal holdem if this game is allowed. I do not know if you play it stud or flop style but even if 7Stud only by all means deal this game hutz. You will probably have a large edge in Omaha8 as well and here you have both skill and constant position working to your advantage.


09-27-2002, 07:42 PM
7 stud declare is the best game but others may catch on (as in my game)and outlaw it unless its played for a "round".

My Q 2 jimbo; why not no limit holdem. i call this often and have a huge positional advantage. also 2-7 double draw is my favorite.

09-27-2002, 10:53 PM
Hutz - Do you play any stud-type games where you have the option of exchanging one card for another before the declaration? If so, by watching to see which card your opponents toss (and which card they get), you can often get a very good idea of which direction your opponents will be declaring, and if you have a low hand, you will have the last draw. For example, if you're playing a five stud type hi/low game, you have A in the hole with 4579 showing and an opponent who has 247Q, tosses the queen (presumably going low) and catches a ten you don't have to draw. It's a bit like going bust before the dealer in black jack.

These exchange or add-on type games offer the dealer the biggest advantage. (The reason the dealer has such a huge advantage in 7/27 is because the other players act first in taking a card or not).

Just my opinion.


09-28-2002, 12:09 PM
Don't get me wrong Limon. I like N/L holdem as well. Most home games are limit unless specified otherwise. I assumed his were as well due to the games they play. No limit 7/27 would have very little play after the deal. The only real problem with N/L holdem here is if you are the only one dealing it you may go several sessions before you make a large enough hand to make up for all the other times you can deal a "popular" game and book smaller winners. Does this make any more sense now? I like 2-7 double draw too, good choice.


09-28-2002, 01:01 PM
Thanks for the response. I have a couple of questions, though. First, what did you mean by "I do not know if you play it stud or flop style but even if 7Stud only . . ."? In particular, what's "flop style?" Are you talking about Omaha 8 or some variant of 7 stud?

Second, I agree that double draw lowball should be a good game for me. I haven't played it much, though, so if you could give me some quick tips I'd appreciate it. I know there's a thread about it in another forum but all that really does is go through the basic mechanics of the game.

Thanks in advance for your replies!

09-30-2002, 05:19 PM
the reason i deal nl he & 2-7dd is specifically so i DONT have to wait for a hand. in my 7 player game there are 4 total broomcorn pushovers so i am at an advantage everytime i bet the button.

09-30-2002, 05:25 PM
your advantage is knowing your opponents and being very aggressive. if there are weak tight players in your game you will rob them blind.

if your game is filled with wild loose players i reccommend o/8. play tight and when you get a hand bet the house. o/8 offers the "gambler" soooo many options they cant let go.

09-30-2002, 05:47 PM
Hi Hutz,

After I made the post I realized it lacked clarity but got lazy and did not edit it properly. You asked ". First, what did you mean by "I do not know if you play it stud or flop style but even if 7Stud only . . ."? In particular, what's "flop style?" Are you talking about Omaha 8 or some variant of 7 stud?" I meant you can play Hi-Lo declare as several different games such as 7Stud, Omaha8, Cincinatti and so forth. I believe your skill will matter most at 7Stud Hi-Lo declare roll your own on the first card. This game utilizes your position, hand reading skill, deception (rolling you first card) and intelligence in determining the declare. I also recommend you play if you declare Hi and Lo you must win both ways or you get nothing. This should prove to be a huge advantage to you in the long run.

I hope this post was more clear than my first. I might throw in a twist here; If you make the low duece to seven rather than wheel many people will make mistakes and believe they have a low when all they have is a straight. This would come into play more in Omaha8 than 7Stud. You can always deal out 5 cards to a hand and play Omaha eight if you have less players. More cards in hand = more player mistakes but also reqiures a much better hand to win high so caution is advised.


09-30-2002, 10:24 PM
So 2-7 means 2,3,4,5,7 is the nut low? Assuming everyone stays in to see the first draw and 70% of the players are oblivious calling stations, what tips can you give for the minimum starting hand to play and the minimum to continue to the second draw?

10-14-2002, 01:45 PM
7 card stud split pot qually with a spinner is the best game no matter who you're playing with.