View Full Version : Token 10K Hands Post. Questions about Moving Up.

03-10-2005, 03:11 PM
I have just recently hit the 10,000 hand mark for .50/1$ limit and would like feedback on my progress. I have a few questions and concerns as well, so I will present my game as best I know how, and recieve ideas and strategies on my progress.

Number of Hands:10,012
Vp$IP: 18.47%
Vp$SB: 34.54%
Won$WSF: 34.30%
WentSD: 33.94%
Won$SD: 51.67%
PF Raise: 7.51%
Agression: 2.91

I wish that I could show a summary of my first 5000 hands as compared to my last 5000 hands. At the point between these two distinictions, I had several realizations about my game that improved it signifigantly. The last 5000 hands have been played with that in mind. My question is this. I am considering moving up to 1/2. I played there before but due to my overall lack or experience, I crashed and burned. I am slightly nervous moving there again, but if I recieve good feedback from posters here, I will give it another try. My other option is to play another 10K hands at .05/1$ and then post again. Perhaps then I will have a better grasp of some concepts. I have the 300BB bankroll for 1/2, but do not want to go there unless I am farily confident I can achieve. From those with with experience. Is there much more I can learn from .50/1? Would I be better off moving up and seeing how I do, knowing that I can drop back if I get in trouble? Are there merits for playing another 10K hands at .50/1? Feedback is greatly appreciated.

Edit: I did read DocMartin's post about 20K hands and that is why I am wondering if another 10K is necessary.

03-10-2005, 03:15 PM
I don't know if you can filter by last x number of hands, but you can filter hands since a certain date - that may give you the info you're looking for (re last 5000 hands).

I just moved up to 1/2 last night, so whatever your decision, good luck. I was kind of a weenie myself, and didn't move up to 1/2 until I had a ~500 BB bankroll. I still may move back down if I don't feel comfortable, but I don't see that being a problem right now.

03-10-2005, 03:23 PM
w/o commenting on your specific stats, b/c I'm not good at that:

10K is not a lot of hands, and most people here will tell you to play 10K more before moving up. I don't vehemently disgree with them, but....

I do believe in taking shots at bigger games. You need the roll for it, and you need to be mentally prepared for the stakes. Playing scared poker is bad. Most of all, you need the skill for it. This is the most difficult part to judge, b/c bankroll increases faster than skill.

I also believe that it's bad to be beating .50/1 when you could be beating 2/4. Poker is often about EV, and my school of thought is that you should play the biggest game you think you can beat. This is what will maximize your hourly/weekly/monthly/yearly EV.

If you multitable, I would say to mix in a 1/2 table or 2 into your rotation (do NOT mix in a 6max table, though). If you feel overwhelmed, take it out of the mix.

03-10-2005, 03:48 PM
It sounds a bit like you're not too confident moving up because you are scared to crash and burn again. I would play some more and over-roll yourself, while gaining confidence.

03-10-2005, 04:32 PM
I think I somewhat misrepresented myeslf. I am not scared per say of moving up. I just want some sort of valditation from some more experienced posters that my stats are good enough to attack and learn from the next level. If my numbers are ok, I will adapt in time to the higher limits.

03-10-2005, 04:54 PM
Your numbers look pretty solid and with confidence and the roll there should be nothing holding you back from taking a big stab at 1/2. My 20K plan was just to get comfortable with the game and overroll myself and I really needed that many hands at 1/2 to feel comfortable. If you are happy with your game at .5/1 then you shouldnt need that many hands to make the move.