View Full Version : Please evaluate my (overall) play

03-09-2005, 07:34 PM
Hey guys, I just can't seem to win at this game so I thought I'd post my playing style to try and get some feedback. There was one day last week when I did very well, $100 over about 7 hours of play at the party .50/1 tables. I was doing really good that day so I tried 3 and then 4 tables with no noticeable drop in the winrate. All my tables except one were up a significant amount. However I have not been able to keep it up and have dropped back to 2 tables and down to .25/50. I'm losing again at around -5 bb/hr.

My stats: 17-18% VPIP, 5-6 PFR 25-38% WSF (This stat flucuates a lot between sites) This is over approximately 6,000 recorded hands although I have played more than that. Absolute and Stars is another 6,000 easy.

I think my preflop play is pretty good, I follow SSH tight selection and deviate at certain times when I feel it's appropriate. I only call a raise when my hand is very strong, AA-TT, AKs-KQs and AK. Maybe KQs and KQ if I have a read on the raiser as loose.

Postflop is where I think I do poorly. I tend to play weak unless I hit something on the flop, which is usually top pair with a good kicker. I play those aggresivley to avoid free cards and scoop up small pots. If I don't hit anything I consider the pot odds and contnue if it's high. I don't chase at inappropriate times. I try to consider conterfeited outs and discount them. (But I don't do that as well as I should) I lose a lot to straights (usually straights with unlikely cards) and sets. I think I tend to overbet my pairs.

From the blinds I play like any other position postflop, if I flop middle pair or a draw without enough callers i let it go.

I play draws strongly, betting if I have a high equity edge with enough callers. If I my draw completes I usually fastplay it and get paid well, I may slowplay to build the pot if my hand is not vunerable. I don't think I slowplay too often.

I read the hand posts here and sometimes figure out the correct line and reasoning before reading the replies, so I don't think my post flop decision making is terrible. But I try to play a little weak because I am aggresive at the wrong times.

Overall, I am just not winning enough pots to compensate for the bad beats and blinds. My money goes down at a pretty consistant rate, spiking up or down with a large pot. Overall I am still a loser and show no signs of improving (except that $100 day, which might have just been luck)

I know it's hard to evaluate my play based on just what I typed, but I thought it was at least worth a try. Do you guys see any potential problems I might have?


03-09-2005, 07:38 PM
I forgot to say I doubt I'm on tilt or have had bad cards for the last 10,000 hands. Although I wonder why I'm doing so bad I play every hand how I think is correct, not factoring my "bad luck" into anything.

03-09-2005, 07:40 PM
Long story short- Post some hands, it is rather difficult to get a feel for ones play by just statements like this. Also, you may THINK you are playing one way, but really you are playing another, let others be the judge of it.
I play more hands then you do I'm at 20% VPIP and 9% PFR, but that's just the style that I like to play. 18% should certainly be enough to win, but your PFR should probally be a tad higher IMHO, do you raise in position with QJs when all fold to you in CO? Do you raise 99 UTG?
Overall, posting hands and reading the responses are huge to understanding your play better. You MAY just be on bad variance, but it is unlikely and this fourm can plug holes in your game really quickly.


03-09-2005, 07:41 PM
Welcome to the forum.

A poker player cannot live on strong made hands alone. You have to be able to thrive with marginal hands and draws too.

Post some hands, contribute to other threads.

03-09-2005, 07:49 PM
Ok thanks. Yes I'd raise KQS on the cutoff, but 99 UTG? There are a lot of overcards to a 9?! I guess I have a lot to learn.

03-09-2005, 07:50 PM
Welcome to the forum.

A poker player cannot live on strong made hands alone. You have to be able to thrive with marginal hands and draws too.

Post some hands, contribute to other threads.

[/ QUOTE ]

give your lines on other hands is better, you learn faster and you don't flood the board with the same ruitine hands(that seemingly every brand new poster posts the same hands)