View Full Version : Oddball question about NL vs limit...

03-08-2005, 10:11 AM
The only reason I'm posting this here is because I know the board here and I don't feel like getting flamed on another board for what might be a stupid question.

What's the difference between a NL and a limit player? Skill? I've played one NL tourny, and I gotta tell you, if I played like that in a limit game, my bankroll would be gone within a few hours. I just tightened up, and took a very rare chance or two. But I realized afterwards, that there's no way that style of play was ever going to get me anywhere near the final table.

So what's the difference? Players were calling and going all in on almost nothing, just hoping for a chance to get lucky. Or so it seemed. Are NL players former limit players who advanced? Or is it just a completely different style of play?

Also, if you know a good book on NL play, please let me know.

Whoops, almost forgot. Is there a difference between a regular NL game and a NL tourny? Besides the fact that you're just betting chips in the tourny. Thanks for any help on this.

03-08-2005, 10:16 AM
Tourney play is COMPLETELY different to regular ring play, whether it be limit or no limit. So much so that it is impossible to answer your question here. Check out the tourney forum and TPFAP by Sklansky. DO NOT read anything by T.J. Cloutier on the subject.

03-08-2005, 10:17 AM
You have to loosen up PF in a NL MTT if you plan on staying ahead of the blinds. By loosen up I don't mean go crazy, but if you can see a few flops for cheap that you usually wouldn't see, go ahead and take a look. When you play those hands be ready to drop them if things get rocky though. The problem with playing TAG poker in an MTT is that it works in the long run, but in an MTT you need to make money faster, so you definately need to take more risks. This is just the way I play them, different people will have different opinions about the subject though.

03-08-2005, 10:27 AM
Thanks. I'm guessing the book by Sklansky is an advanced player book. Is there such a think as TP for beginners?

03-08-2005, 10:28 AM
Yup, that's what I'm thinking. I just have problems getting myself to get looser PF. But it makes a lot of sense.

03-08-2005, 10:36 AM
I've read that the best "big cash game" NL players would love for some of the famous tourney players to enter their games, for some of the reasons you have stated.

My bro plays some fairly big NL cash games when he's in Vegas, and has played with a few guys who are regularly on TV. These guys played mostly LAG, and were not the best players in the game.

03-08-2005, 11:01 AM
If you want a good book on NL tournaments check out Harrington on Hold 'em. By far the best NL tournament book out there.