View Full Version : My most obvious leak . No hand posted, just theory questions

03-07-2005, 10:54 PM
Big pairs less than AA or a big broadways like KQs or KQo. In EP to MP, I happily raise these every time. Lets say you have >2 callers behind you, and an A flops. Do you lead? If you lead and are called in more than one spot do you lead the turn UI? Do you call a raise on the flop and check/fold the turn UI?

I know this depends on the texture of the flop, the table and the players, but for the sake of my question let's assume typical party .5/1 tables. The flop gives you either an underpair and a BDF draw, or BD straight draw (with the broadways).

I feel like I'm spewing on the flop and turn in these situations against weak players who will play any ace. Would I be giving up too assume an A is out against me at this level?



03-07-2005, 11:13 PM
For me personally, I'm really trying to work on not auto-betting the flop everytime I raise pf. If I only get two callers, then chances are I'll bet the flop and see what comes of it. I'll usually check the turn U/I *IF* I know the other people in the hand to be of the "any ace is playable" ilk.

Generally speaking, I don't tend to worry about it that much if I'm up against two others; it's when it gets to three or more that I start assuming someone, somewhere has an ace and I'll back off. I used to go with the "I'll keep betting until they give me a reason not to" line, but too many players are quite content to just check/call with their pair of aces regardless of what else is going on.