View Full Version : Time to move up?

03-07-2005, 04:09 PM
I started seriously playing online in late December. I began at Paradise with a $200 deposit using the GRANNY code. I played .5/1 for about 6K hands then moved up to 1/2 and now I'm playing 1/2 full and 6 max. I have almost 18K hands in poker tracker and I'm wondering if its time for me to move up from 1/2. I have a bankroll for 3/6 that would be more than 300BB. Some of my time at .5/1 was while I was still reading SSHE and adapting to a new style of play so my numbers are a little off. My VP$IP was high and some of my other numbers where not where I wanted them to be. Right now I'm trying to work on being more agressive and I'm also working on my play from the blinds. I was wondering what peoples opinions were on whether or not I'm ready to move up to either 2/4 or 3/6. How do these games compare with 1/2? Is there a big difference between 2/4 and 3/6? Here are my stats:

$1/$2 Full Ring:
Hands: 7,184
VP$IP: 18.67
VP$IP SB: 35.85
FSB to Steal: 58.06
FBB to Steal: 63.64
Att. to Steal Blinds: 15.41
W$WSF%: 32.97
BB/100: 3.81
Went to SD%: 32.22
W$ at SD%: 51.70
PF Raise: 8.18

$1/$2 6 Max
Hands: 4,892
VP$IP: 37.18
VP$IP SB: 59.87
FSB to Steal: 65.96
FBB to Steal: 46.28
Att. to Steal Blinds: 16.25
W$WSF%: 35.86
BB/100: 2.58
Went to SD%: 35.69
W$ at SD%: 51.07
PF Raise: 12.76

$.5/$1 Full
Hands: 5,809
VP$IP: 27.94
VP$IP SB: 53.08
FSB to Steal: 50.00
FBB to Steal: 46.67
Att. to Steal Blinds: 15.45
W$WSF%: 30.42
BB/100: 4.92
Went to SD%: 33.11
W$ at SD%: 53.07
PF Raise: 9.81

If you have any advice, good or bad, I would like to hear it. Poker tracker has me as a sLA-A. Since I've been playing 1/2 I've really been trying to keep my VP$IP low, especially after seeing it from .5/1. Thanks in advance for the help.


03-07-2005, 04:17 PM
If you think you might be ready to move up, and you have the roll, then give it a shot. Just don't be surprised if you come back down again for a while. I did, and most everyone does.

03-07-2005, 04:22 PM
If you think you might be ready to move up, and you have the roll, then give it a shot. Just don't be surprised if you come back down again for a while. I did, and most everyone does.

[/ QUOTE ]

When I got the roll for 2/4 I moved up and got killed. Moved back down and I think it may be time to move back up. I'm not sure what was wrong with me at 2/4 but my numbers were horrible, I just wasn't playing my good game. I think I may give 3/6 a shot today though. Usually I 4-table but I think it would be best to play 1 or 2 tables until I get used to it. How does the 3/6 compare with 1/2?

03-07-2005, 04:34 PM
I wouldn't skip levels. In fact, I'd advise you to put in more time at .5/1 full before moving up, so that you have a full 10K hands at each distinct level. 1/2 might be an exception. I hated that level, but I'm biased.

I definitely would not skip 2/4 and go right to 3/6. IMO, this is a recipe for disaster. 2/4 players are often better than .5/1 or 1/2 (debatable), but the level on the whole is very soft. I guess what I'm saying is, if you can't beat 2/4, you can't beat anything higher. I'm killing 2/4, but I don't think I'm ready for 3/6 quite yet.

I guess what you really need to do is map out a path for your development. Which levels are you going to play? What kinds of goals will you have for each level? What kinds of things do you know need work?

Edit: Oh, and BTW. When I first moved up to 2/4, I got killed immediately too. I got cold cards and all that, but you know what? Cold cards could explain why I wasn't +/100, but it couldn't explain why I was so deeply -/100. The only explanation for that was simple: I was bad at poker.

03-07-2005, 06:59 PM
ive been doing the same thing, ive played about 8.6k hands in .5/1 and did great and was up about 350 bb (excluding bonuses). i just started 1/2 and its a grind, even though i have a plentiful bankroll, its hard to cope with the bigger downswings and upswings, the games are different and a lil tighter, and its hard to play the exact same, and my vpip was messed up at first. ive got about 800 hnnds in of 1/2 and im up about 40bb buts its still hard.
i could also use advice about moving up stakes. is it just about getting comfortable witht the limit and playing it alot?