View Full Version : Deciding Not to Bet My Hand...

W. Deranged
03-02-2005, 09:39 PM
1/2 no limit campus game, with several very competent players (by, say, Foxwoods 1/2 standards). I have been playing very tight and getting no cards, and have about $90 in my stack (right what I started with). The player two to my left (call in Mr. H) has me outstacked (~$150). I have the big blind covered by about $20.

I pick up AsJs behind two limpers (the game is seven-handed at this point). I pop it to $11 to go. Big Blind calls. Mr. H. calls. Three to the flop for $36 total.

Flop: 10 7 3, two hearts.

BB checks, Mr. H. checks, I bet $33, BB folds, Mr. H calls (saying "it's suckout time").

Turn: J of hearts (putting the three-flush on board).

Mr. H. checks...

With $45 or so left, what's the play?

My play was to check, thinking that Mr. H was either on the flush draw (in which case he'll beat me into the pot if I push, which is my only bet at this point) or on 89; or, he was on some other kind of strange mid-pair type hand in which case he is now drawing very thin. I figure, with the pot the size that it was, I probably have to call any bet and I can't effectively protect my hand if my opponent picked up extra outs with the hearts, so the maximum value way to play the hand would be to check the turn in the hope that some percentage of the time my opponent will have missed and bluff the river.